
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

I like the MVP system, but there's one thing I don't understand

If you take a look at this screenshot : (stats for reference) :

You can see that I got MVP for heals (I think), but instead of giving a number, they give a percentage. Thing is, it doesn't really have a lot of context, as they don't tell you what it means. In Overwatch, when a healer has a card, they usually give the hard numbers, with a percentage that represents how much heals it is compared to the damage taken. Is it the same thing here? and if so, how did I get over 100%?

Edit : As several of you pointed out, it could be relative to the amount of damage taken by the tanks on the team. While I have no evidence or confirmation of that, I think it may explain why sometimes, the percentage is all messed up, since on the PTR, not all comps get a healer and a tank at the same time (Most of the time seems to be 1tank or 1 healer with 4 damage dealers).

Edit 2 : More links to other support MVPs

Kharazim (157%) stats : screen :

Auriel (433613%) stats : screen :

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Sorry for the spam, but I believe there's another bug which could be related to the exact same problem

    u/xiaorobear said "On a related note, I once got an 'award' for bulwark, for "soaking 100% of the damage on my team.". I'm guessing it's the same idea where it wasn't counting the damage taken by non-warriors, and so the solo warrior would get 100% soak everytime.

    Yep, basically the same bug and same fix should resolve it.


  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    No problem. Glad I could be of service.

    Idk if you can give me an answer, but would it be possible to have it show the healing done (as in, the actual number that's shown on the stats screen) as well? When I play Overwatch, I like seeing both, I find it gives context to the performance, in a way.

    It gets pretty crowded on that screen and the stat is available on the end of game stats screen already. We figured the percentile stat was more interesting since that's not directly shown elsewhere and more easily speaks to the impact on the match than a raw number does.

    We are looking into adding tooltips, though, which will give you more detailed info if you want it.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    It's a bug. Good find. Working on a fix now.

    The stat is supposed to be reporting the percentage of your team's damage that you healed. Others pointed out the reason it was reporting 120%: it ended up in a situation where it wasn't counting damage done to non-tanks.

    Thanks for the report.
