
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

katowice production so far

well.. i want to point out a few production failures for the katowice heroes event that happened until now (two hours into the event).

first thing is the awful backround noise. its really hurting the watching experience. second thing - the lighting of the panel desk, its too dark. third - the directing of the event in general. grubby is missing his camera while on medium shot, too late turning off the mic when going to commercials, too much time on long shooting the panel desk and not cutting to single analysts and much more little things that make this look a little bit like an amature production.

two hours into the event, those things popped out to me and are very hard not to notice. this kind of events supposed to be the face of the game, and i dont think that blizzard can allow this kind of stuff to happen. while the production of the HGC in general is good, this just seems kinda unprofessional. i hope some blizzard employee will see this post and try to address those problems for future events (hoping that some can be fixed this event too).

EDIT: when i read my post again, its sounds like the production is terrible. not at all! its fine, really. but in the other hand can be improved. the whole point is for learning and trying to get even better. there is always room for improvements.

  • Matt MacNeil

    Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Can you describe the background noise you're hearing please?
