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With the addition of multi-class heroes, maybe we can get a REAL druid?

I know we have Malfurion already, and he is technically the first ever druid, but I feel I'm not the only one who feels he doesn't quite encompass the fantasy of a druid. I know it's resto, but still, I want cat form :D

Personally, I am hoping for Hamuul Runetotem or Zen'tabra. Would add a much needed tauren or troll, and would be a great opportunity for a true druid where you can choose talents for bear, cat, and maybe boomkin/treant. Maybe even a flight form talent.

  • Matt MacNeil

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Broll Bearmantle going in as a bear tank :D

    Here Broll. Broll attack!
