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Deck Building - Should I Stick to 40 Cards?

Hi all, I am relatively new to the game, just recently started playing a lot more and am really enjoying it! Most of my card game experience has come from playing TESL, and it was widely accepted that it was almost always best to stick to the minimum number of cards in a deck in order to give you the best chances of drawing the cards you need the most to execute your win condition. However, I have been browsing around the deck hub and watching some high ranked players and analyzing their decks, and have been surprised to see a handful of very strong players playing with higher card counts. Are these exceptions or is it common throughout the community to build decks like this? Are there any aspects of the gameplay that make it favorable to do so? I suppose I will do some experimenting myself, but I am curious as to what the general consensus is in the Mythgard community.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    One point that hasn't been mentioned: If you are just experimenting with a deck and you want to see how adding certain cards would work out, sometimes people don't bother finding other cards to cut it back down to 40. Because the difference between 42 cards and 40 cards is quite small, so you can wait until you are really happy with a deck to make the final cuts down to 40.

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