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Some help would be greatly appreciated

I’m new and honestly I’m not good at ccgs. I enjoy them on occasion and specifically love the art, lore and story mythgard has. With that said I need help.

How do I deal with Master of Shadows using a Valkyrie deck? Immortal and deadly kills everything I have. Kara set up? Dead. Magnus? Doesn’t kill because immortal. The best answer I has was enforcer but I only play 2 of them and he can just keep playing MoS until I’m out. I’m sure I’m missing something very easy so thank you to anyone with the patience to explain this to me like I’m a 5 year old.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Since no one else has mentioned it, I'll bring up Jaunt. In addition to dodging MoS, it's great for dodging chump blockers to deliver the killing blow on your opponent.

    Also, another way to think about MoS: When he hits the board, he can pretty easily kill one of your big guys. But after that, you can stay away from him and he doesn't have the attack power to do a much damage. So when you just play away from him, it's not a bad trade off for you. Yes, you lost a big minion, but he also spent a card and lot of mana on that MoS that is sitting on the board not doing much. Looked at this way, it's almost a 1 for 1 trade.

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