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How do we make the game more popular, and improve player retention?

With TESL losing western development, MTGA having monetization complaints, and Runeterra being a little over a week away from public beta, this is the right time to push Mythgard. But how do we get there?

I understand why Rhino games wouldn't want to spend money on marketing right now. My hunch is the game polish, UI, interactions, etc aren't fully ready for a marketing push. Additionally these days marketing is expensive af, and doesn't guarantee player retention.

So how as a community can we help? Word of mouth doesn't help if players don't stay, are there things we can do to help player retention? The avg players is dropping, to no surprise. But this beauty of a game deserves attention.

For players saying we shouldn't be worrying right now, how do you expect a small indie company like Rhino games to stay devoted to improving the game if we don't have players to share the game with. More players means more people likely to spend money, key capital to grow this game.

Again what can we as a community do to improve popularity and player retention?

Edit: For those of you joining us late let me hit some key points that people have mentioned:
* Reduce Toxicity (Discord, Reddit, etc)
* Have a reason to play - Why should people login everyday, why should they keep playing, have a goal
* Story mode and content - Have something that will engage the audience in the game, and outside of it
* UI/Visuals, Mobile - Make the game look appealing, should be catching to make them at least try it
* Ranked play shouldn't be disabled
* Have a reason to spend money - Solo content?, Better cosmetics, better purchase options, etc...

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Imo maybe improve the mobile UI. Im a p new player and I feel that the font on the mobile app is so small that it hurts my eyes when i play and most ppl r casual gamers who mostly play on their mobile phone on the go so maybe improve on this aspect thanks

    We're working on it. We should have some decent progress in the next patch.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Heyo - Thanks for thinking along these lines - anything you come up with is very much appreciated!

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