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UI Feedback from a new player

First off, excuse my language but I fucking love this game. I love the lore, the art, and the game play. All I play is CCGs and TCGs and this is my favorite one so far. I know that UI is a hot topic and that changes are coming but I wanted to share what makes this game difficult to play especially on mobile devices. Some of this is known and I know will be addressed. I just wanted to put it out there from a new player perspective.

  1. Card format- the text is too small. Period. The card abilities and the flavor text are very difficult to read. I believe that in the draft screens and when scrolling through the card collection that the cards can be made larger in general. There is so much space in between cards. Look at the space between cards when drafting. So much dead space. The art is a really great size and I am able to see that very well. I really love the MTG: Arena card design because they obviously have a lot of text but they scrunch the cards down to be mostly art. So that type of design might help. The power and the defense numbers on cards could also be larger so that I can see the numbers without having to enlarge the cards.
  2. I wish that cards were just one click to enlarge instead of a double click. Or maybe click and hold. So often I double click and it doesn't register, then it randomly registers, but I already clicked out of it. This is the same for when in matches and it makes me feel anxious because I don't know all of the cards yet and I have to read them. I want to be able to play quickly while getting as much information as possible.
  3. As someone who just started, when I draft cards the orange and red cards look too similar. I feel like orange or red could be brighter to make a bigger distinction. During the draft, the cards that increase or decrease the amount of cards you see should have text. They look really cool from a design standpoint but they aren't user friendly. Text on the cards will be helpful instead of the text that appears when you click on the cards.

These are just a few quality of life issues that I have noticed after playing for a week. Thanks so much for the awesome game. I hope the game grows because I want faster match queues!

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for the feedback. We are working on improving the scaling of cards and other UI elements on small screens. Hopefully you'll find the game more readable in January's patch.
