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Question for the developers about packs

Hello, i would like to ask if the packs are working as intended in terms of drops. So far i have opened 100 packs and i have noticed two things that bug me.

  1. I keep getting the same rares over and over again. Even tough i only have 51% of the rares in my collection, i have lost count of the times i have already unmade excess copies. Do the rare cards have the same chance of dropping or there are some rares that have higher droprate than others?

  2. I have found 6 mythic cards so far. I remember reading somewhere that there is around 10% chance of a mythic drop, does this percentage still apply or it has been lowered? I know that 100 packs is a small sample but there is a big difference between 6 and 10.

I have been enjoying the game so far and i was thinking about buying some more packs to bolster my (pathetic) collection, so i would really appreciate if we could have some more information on the matter.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    I apologize. Didn't mean to spread misinformation!

    No problem! I think I've told people 20 in the past and been corrected by another rhino.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    And that's why I keep saying the game needs more sources of essence... Even with the faction missions, you can get unlucky with packs, and even if you spend real money, you can still get unlucky with packs. Focused crafting is the only redeeming factor of all f2p ccg's, you need the crafting material to be able to compensate for the pack RNG, and this game has one of the lowest if not the lowest essence/dust return in the market. They claim MAAT rewards compensate for the low amount of essence, but the MAAT point requirements get absurd pretty fast, you're lucky if you get like 2-3 mythics out of that. Not only did you get a low amount of mythics, it's very likely they weren't the ones you wanted/needed heck maybe not even the colors you usually play.

    this game has one of the lowest if not the lowest essence/dust return in the market.

    Can you please explain what you mean by this? It takes about 10 packs worth of essence in Mythgard to craft a mythic card. This is about the same as most games in the genre, and considerably better than some of the stingier ones.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    After 10 packs, your chance to open a mythic goes up with every subsequent pack. They have said that after millions of pack opening simulations, 20 was the longest it took to open a mythic. Only 6 mythics over 100 packs is pretty bad luck, but the system still seems to be working as intended. As for rares, that's just luck.

    I think it was actually 24, not 20.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    1) All cards of the same rarity group have equal chance of dropping. 2) The mythic drop rate has not changed from 10%. It will probably never change, but if it did, it would be announced.

    Sorry, but you've just been unlucky. I hope you get a streak of good luck in your packs soon.
