
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Another new player question - data usage

Hi all, another refugee from Legends - I’m enjoying the games aesthetic and basic play mechanics so far, although I think I have a lot to get the hang of!

My main playing will be on mobile or tethered tablet - does anyone have any advice on how stable the game is playing on 4G, or how much data it will use up?

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    thanks! is providing apple users a way to redeem promo codes on there too? :D

    Your account is shared across all platforms, so you can redeem codes with the web client and then login and play on your iOS device. Apple does not allow in-app code redemption.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    about 1.5 hrs of play today (6 brawl matches and some more story) comes out as just over 40 MB, so 30/hr seems in line. that’s not out of line with what I used to see on TESL, although this seems more battery-hungry

    Thanks for letting me know. We'll try to take a look at optimizing the data usage at some point. Improving battery usage is already on our list.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    On an iPhone, I used 929 Mb in a month, corresponding to about 31 Mb/hour (I play less than an hour a day). This is not enormous, but definitely not negligible; I think HS, for all its BS, uses less. I am not 100% I didn't catch an update, but those usually take far more than 1 Gb.

    I would bet that most of that 929 was downloading patches to the game. The minute to minute game play should use very little data. I will investigate whether we can download patches on wifi only.
