
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Wow, am I a convert!

I really didn’t want to try another CCG, as I’ve been pretty happy with working on mastering TESL, and more recently learning Gwent (I’ve also enjoyed our at least played with many others). But after all the great buzz about Mythgard I decided I should check it out.

At first it seemed like a big pain to have to burn cards and think about different gem colors. But now, I can’t imagine losing the flexibility and depth of play that comes from this and other mechanic innovations.

I am also repeatedly delighted by the art on many cards, which feature different styles and artists, some funny and some breathtaking.

A great surprise has been learning about other cultures when I google words to understand cards better. Very interesting to see archetypes/characters from other mythologies and how their characteristics inform the attributes/actions of the cards. (Example: see “Grinning Kolobok” and then look up “kolobok” in Wikipedia!)

Also worth mentioning: I really appreciate being able to play against AI in all the modes so I can take my time to learn the game, take as long as I want to enjoy the cards/flavor text, and stop & start any time. It’s amazing that the developers can make the AI even play a game that requires so much nuanced strategy!

So just wanted to pass on my experience and give major props to the developers and artists. I look forward to learning more about the game, its different paths/powers/etc., and seeing the next chapters in the story!

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Ok now that I’ve played a little more I see that the AI isn’t great at everything. Just now in gauntlet II, it kept burning cards turn after turn despite not having plenty of mana, no minions on the board (while i did), and only the card it was just dealt on each turn! @paxton hope this report is helpful for tweaking! (Hm, is it not possible to tag people in some way?)

    We gave AI improvements planned when we clear out some of the other items on our roadmap.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Welcome, and thank you for the kind words. We'd love to be discovered by more TESL players.
