
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Why can’t you burn the same card twice?

To be clear, I’m not saying you should be able to burn the same card twice, I’m sure there’s a reason I’m missing why that would be bad to allow, I’m just curious what the reason is. As far as I can tell not allowing players to burn the same card twice has two primary effects:

1) If you run situational cards, and burn them because your, for example, in a matchup against a deck that doesn’t use enchantments and your card destroys enchantments, some times you get unlucky and redraw it and now it’s just a dead card in your hand.

2) Sometimes you get unlucky and keep redrawing preburnt cards when you just needed something to burn and thus effectively get mana screwed.

Both of these just feel like negative player experiences so I feel I’m likely missing some third effect of not allowing repeated burning that justifies these two downsides to this mechanic. Thank you in advance for all responses!

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    The reasons cited so far from IstariMithrandir and shpelley are correct from our design perspective. But we first realized that we needed to add this rule when we discovered that you could avoid taking fatigue damage by burning the same card repeatedly.
