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Deck strength matchmaking

Hello, I was wondering how the matchmaking works (in both casual and against AI). I mostly play against the AI because i just started playing this game and my decks are all pretty weak. Usually I can steamroll them, especially with mono red aggro, but I'm guessing thats because mono red has mostly commons/uncommons and it matches you against weaker decks. However when I play my mono green deck I often come across AI opponents that play mythic after mythic after mythic and crush me, when I don't have a single mythic in my deck (but I have a few rares).

Its pretty frustrating and its also the reason I'm relucant to play pvp because I know the decks there will be even stronger.

I dont mean this to sound whiney at all im just curious.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    The AI decks have some mythics, but not a ton. Sometimes the other guy gets a great draw, even if he's a bot. That's CCGs for you.

    Ok cool. So there is no increase in AI deck quality based on your own deck quality right?

    I am sure I am biased because I used to play Red Aggro so I just killed the AI before they could play or get value from their Mythics but nowadays when I try control, I see them drop a lot of Mythics :P

    The AI decks are a little weaker when you are lower than about level 10, so it's not beating up on new players. The difference is not dramatic.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Lot of good posts about building your collection but no one answered your actual question.

    However when I play my mono green deck I often come across AI opponents that play mythic after mythic after mythic and crush me, when I don't have a single mythic in my deck (but I have a few rares).

    Paging u/Paxton, could we get a response for this?

    I am curious about it as well :)

    The AI decks have some mythics, but not a ton. Sometimes the other guy gets a great draw, even if he's a bot. That's CCGs for you.
