
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Does anybody know the pity timer on Mythics from packs? I know there is one, but for the life of me I don't recall how many packs it is.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Not sure, probably around $70? But that also really has no bearing on it, and god packs have, like, probably a one in a million chance of popping up lol.

    It's much better than one in a million. We wanted dedicated players to get around one god pack per year, so it's probably better than 1 in a 1000.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    After 10 packs without opening a mythic, your odds increase with each pack, but they never become 100%. The 20 pack figure that gets passed around is a bit misleading. We've run simulations of opening millions of packs and the longest streak without a mythic was 20.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    After 10 packs without opening a mythic, your odds increase with each pack, but they never become 100%. The 20 pack figure that gets passed around is a bit misleading. We've run simulations of opening millions of packs and the longest streak without a mythic was 20.

    Slight correction - the longest streak was in the 20s, not 20.
