
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Card text is tiny

This is for the devs if they see it. Playing on Android phone. Card text is tiny if I can't tap it to expand it. Some actions show me cards but I just can't read them. Tons of room on screen to make em bigger. Please do so. And please get someone without perfect eyesight to let you know where text needs to be a bit larger in other places as well (almost everywhere) .

For example, select a faction screen. I can't read any of it at all. Even the beta notes that just up was almost to small for me to read and my vision isn't that bad, just not perfect.

The game seems interesting but if I can't read some text then I can't play well.


  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    We plan to improve the font size issue on phones, but to be honest, it's always going to be better on a larger screen, like a tablet or a computer. BTW, I work on the game and I can't read a lot of the text on my phone :(
