
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

The lack of advertising for Mythgard

I think that the biggest problem of this game is that some people don't even know that this game exists. I saw a post on a discord about "spreading the word about Mythgard" and in my opinion it is not a job of a player/customer to "advertise" the game. I told two people about Mythgard and they had no clue about it. Both CCG players.

If one of the Gwent streamers (and it was small gwent's streamer) didn't stream Mythgard before Open Beta then I wouldn't even know that this game exists. If I saw Mythgard on Steam before watching any stream then I wouldn't try it because the UI is ugly in my opinion and it would be enough to turn me off from playing this game but luckily I saw the stream of this small twitch streamer.

I think that big streamers like this game (Mogwai, Noxious and Swim) but the lack of the players and viewers makes Mythgard not viable to stream.

Are there plans for advertising this game any time soon?

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Please remember that Mythgard is still in beta/early access. We are using this time to polish the game, especially things like the economy and the early game experience. There are some pretty nice UI enhancements as well as more minion voice lines coming in the next patch, along with a bunch of balance changes. We think it's important to address these kinds of things before spending our advertising budget so that we retain as many players as possible.

    To be honest, one of the most frustrating things for us as an indie team is the lack of attention to Mythgard in the gaming press. This is not really a problem that can be solved with advertising. It really requires the fans to let gaming press know that they want to see coverage of this game.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Kripp did stream it once. I don’t think he learned the game well enough ahead of time and did not do it justice

    I think Kripp did a fine job streaming the game, and he seemed to enjoy it. But his audience really wants him to play Hearthstone, and they didn't seem very receptive to watching a new game. Different streamers attract different crowds, so we've seen a lot more interest from the followers of some other streamers.
