
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Can we talk about 'Perfect Grade'?

Nothing feels worse than pulling a mythic card and then realizing its so bad its not viable for play... BUT ITS GUNDAM WING I GOTTA PLAY IT! :MADFACE:

8PPP for a 6/7 statline- which is unspeakable, immediate ability is deal 2 damage to three opposing lane minions.

Like what?... how did such a cool mythic card turn out so trash tier even Minotaur at 5RR has more impact on the board when it comes down! Heck even 5UU Blackened Joten has as much stats and overrun!

Rhino please! can we make this card playable?

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)


    Is there an ETA on the update?

    Edit: that you can/want to share of course.

    probably a couple of weeks

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    I don't have a Perfect Grade in my collection, but he's been played against me very effectively. He's all about those actives. They can really lock down a board.

    But... I can tell you he has been buffed in our internal build. We're not changing him dramatically, but he should be somewhat more survivable in the next patch.
