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"Unintuitive" mechanics in Mythgard

So while grinding through the faction missions, I've found a few unintuitive mechanics, at least for a former CCG player:

  1. Deadly + Immolation Cloak = your trigger doesn't have deadly, unlike other CCG's. It also doesn't work with Lifesteal. The tooltip does state that they are for "combat damage" only, so this does make sense.

  2. Multiple Slayers/Regen/other keywords = doesn't stack, the highest one overrides the others.

  3. There are 3 types of creature abilities: (a) 1 costing a standard action (cannot immediately activated) - Orange, (b) 1 free action once per turn - Blue, (c) 1 repeatable as long as you got the energy - only number shown.

  4. Stuff dies from left to right for the boneyard sequencing.

  5. Transformed units keep their transformation if bounced to hand (eg. Awakened Huntress) - stat buffs/malus are not kept. Not sure about keyword buffs.

  6. Deadly + Alpha Strike work as expected (kill everything else in combat except other creatures with Alpha Strike + more strength).

  7. If you draw from an empty deck, you are going to be dealt damage exponentially as you draw more: 1 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 16 > 32 > 64 > 128 > 256 etc.

  8. If all players are dealt lethal damage at the same time, game will end in a tie. There doesn't seem to be any tie breakers and/or sequencing of damage.

  9. You cannot burn cards gotten from creature's triggers - eg. Items. A good rule of thumb is colorless border stuff can't be burnt.

  10. Warded will protect from: destroy & non-combat damage effects. Warded will not protect from: Blight/bounce/banish/transformation/charm effects. Warded doesn't care on the targetted/non-targetted part, and it also doesn't care about whether the effects are from you or your opp.

  11. Purple number on a creature's health means the creature is only alive due to some external buffs.

  12. Blue area on timer are extra time given if you play your early turns fast. Yellow area are used up first before the blue.

  13. All activatable artifacts can only activated once per turn. They usually have health which are affected everytime the owner takes damage. Only the latest artifact is damaged. At least 1 artifact doesn't actually have any health (Imperative Bell - the instant maker).

  14. There's an orange left-facing arrow at the very right side of the screen which actually can be expanded to show a deck tracker - showing what cards left in your library etc. This is almost invisible to me playing on the Android version.

  15. Temporary stats are damaged first before the actual stats. Let's say you have a 1/1 who gets a "+2/+2 until end of turn" buff, if he is then dealt 2 damage, at the end of turn he will survive as a 1/1.

Edit: I update the post as found by my & others' experience here for easy referencing in the future. Please correct me if I'm wrong in any of above points.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Can you please confirm that currently we don't have any tie breaker mechanics?

    If both players are reduced to 0 life at the same time, the game is a tie. Cataclysm is a good way to generate a tie game.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Honestly I've been playing for months and have no clue how to tell the difference between the two activated abilities. Ive just learned which are which lol

    Orange activated abilities use a standard action (which are for move, attack, etc). Blue activated abilities use a utility action (which are only for utility abilities).
