
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Detailed History Bar or Turn Replay?

Been playing for about a month and love this game. My main pet peeve is how hard it is to figure out what happened sometimes if I look away from the screen during my opponents turn.

For example, the history bar will tell me they used foresight, but doesn't tell me if they looked at my deck or their own. I had a couple other examples but they're slipping my mind, perhaps I'll update this later.

I was curious if there are plans to increase the information the history bar shows in the future, or create a turn replay feature like Eternal has?

I get that this is more a dev centered question, so how do YOU feel about the current history bar?

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    We do plan to improve the history feature.
