
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

My one wish: Better with tournament formats :)

Hi, I am a competitive gamer (history with competitive Hearthstone, and Brawlhalla) and I really like mythgard, though i don't see a reason to go competitive yet. Its not because of money or effort in/satisfaction value, but because they dont seem too stratagistic when it comes to the deck you choose.

Now I havent done too much digging but it seems like a vast majority of tournaments are open decklist, and you bring 1 deck only. This makes me depressed. Very depressed. When i played hearthstone i was known for using very off meta decks to make my way up the bracket with surprising ease (for example: i peaked during the kobolds and katacombs meta when I came up with the strategy of running ressurect priest, exodia mage, and big druid to counter the absurd amout of other druid decks and made it to America qualifiers)

This is me. I'm not great at card games, but my strategy carried me through the game. Sadly, when you can only pick 1 deck AND its open decklist AND you can't ban, you cant really strategize much pre tournament.

Heres my ideal format

Each Player beings 2 decks with no identical colors and must win with both decks. This would help with variety in decks because some decks have trouble with one color in particular. For example lets say i made a combo deck, and let's create this fictional color that has absurd aggro tools, draw, and life gain (like they would ever have a color with all of those tools). Lets call this red. Now a combo deck wouldnt be able to counteract this red deck because they need mana to waste on card draw while still counteracting the aggro red deck, and by the time the the combo player has their combo pieces, they might of healed out of range. Nobody in the right mind would enter a tournament with this deck if it was their one deck. But if the combo deck has a a extreemly positive win rate against everything else, as long as you have another deck that has the same issue, you got yourself a strategy.

The reason i chose to go for picking 2 decks and having unique colors over a ban format is the constraints. Its hard to build 3 or more completely unique decks and its hard to determine how much decks should vary.

Other than that closed decklists are more enjoyable in my opinion but i understand for bugger tournaments that might not be a possibility.

I dont know how to close this, i just want to tell everybody that the standard tournament rules are kind of deoressing and i really hope it changes soon.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for the feedback. We are currently working on a tournament system that will allow the organizer to setup custom rules.
