
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Is there any plans to have an option to disable animations?

Firstly the game is great, and there are so much playing modes that you can access for free that my mind is blown. Especially because in other games, you usually need to pay some gold fee to play them.

However, while doing the faction quests, I've found that all the animations take quite a long time to complete. 1 major offender is the 0/3 green creature which can look at the top x cards of the deck. Others are like the turn changing time, the AI playing speed in general, etc.

Not just in-game, the pack opening for example take a ridiculous amount of time as well. Since the game already has an "action log" built-in, maybe you can have an "advanced mode" in which all animations are skipped or at least much shortened? I'm a new player, and all the unskippable animations already felt grating. Cannot imagine how it will feel as I play more.

Anyway, thanks in advance for your consideration.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Hello, I just wanted to add my opinions on the "slow" animations, which are mostly the same.

    • Disc of Circadia is overall really slow and very noticeable in multiplayer. Since you can't interact when they use it. Both effects have quite a bit of delay to where you actually look at your hand.
      • I really think the divination/discard effect should be instant for the player doing it. Since it is an unusual long pause before you can actually complete your action ATM.
    • The same thing can be said for all divination/discard/look at card effects. They are all quite slow for some reason. I feel like there are 2 seconds of staring at the screen with nothing happening. It actually makes me not want to use the divination power especially in multiplayer.

    Those are the only things off the top of my head. I am not sure why they are so delayed. I am not a programmer so I am not sure what is going on, it just feels like something else is going on in the background that causes these delays where nothing is even happening on the screen.


  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    I don't know if this is really to do with animations, but I tried playing with Disc of Circadia and the Divination hero power... there is a long gap between divining your card, and discarding the card afterwards when you switch to sun-mode. When you're low on time it can really mess you over.

    Thanks, we'll take a look.

  • paxton

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    I don't know if we'd have a no animation mode, but it does help us when players point out animations that are too slow, so we can adjust them. I'm passing along the ones you mentioned to our vfx artists. The animation and vfx on the pack opening are already being updated for the next patch.

    The AI needs some time to think in order to find reasonable moves, so that's not likely to change much.
