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Rhino Games AMA @ 5PM PST

EDIT: Thank you for all your questions! We are done answering questions for now but if we missed your question come join our discord:

Hey everyone, we are Rhino Games, the studio behind Mythgard. We are excited to hold our first Reddit AMA, and our team will start answering any questions you leave below at 5 PM PST.

Here are our team members that will be available later today:

Phu - Founder, CEO

Potato- Senior Engineer

Hoon - Art Director, Artist

Halosign - Animation, Modeling

Martha Stewart - Art, VFX

Xeneth - Game Design

Leo - Community, Marketing

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Thanks Rhino games for doing this! I've had to come out of lurk mode for the chance to ask you guys stuff!

    For Hoon:

    What inspirations do you draw from to decide on the visual style of the cards? How do you approach coming up with the themes visually for the different card factions? Do the artists you collaborate with influence the style of the cards or do you have a strong idea in mind before choosing your collaborators?

    For Xeneth:

    How are you currently balancing the game to ensure specific factions and packs aren't overly OP? Currently are there good resources you'd recommend for learning to really build your packs?

    Thank you again for doing this!

    I will attempt to sneakily answer for Hoon instead of myself, mua ha ha!

    Some of this comes out in the "making of a card" articles we've been experimenting with hopefully, but there's a LOT of Hoon AND the artists in almost every card.
    Philosophically, I've gotten much more interesting results requesting art with somewhat vague, goal-driven language that leaves them a lot of room to mess around and make something that I couldn't possibly picture. I have an uneducated art background myself, (as evinced by MSpaint placeholders) so occasionally my input can refine stuff, but sometimes I'm not even assigning characters a gender or suggesting concrete solutions to the horrible problems I'm handing them!

    "I don't care how you do it, but make sure this thing looks very tough and scary, but also empathetic. It's all in the eyes or the expression or something, words!"

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Some of the cards in the game have card lore text attached to them that you can view in the card selection page thing. (I apologise for the fact i'm forgetting the proper names for things, it's late where i am). Is there any particular reason why some cards do and don't, and is the ultimate plan to fill in all those empty lore spots on cards? Or are some cards doomed to be loreless eternally?

    Nothing should be doomed permanently, but I AM a much bigger fan of my flavor text writing efforts than my lore writing efforts, in general

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Have you considered adding any more instant speed cards to the fans, ideally ones that don't require you to die?

    Yes, I think so, but they can cause a loooot of bugs and have really unexpected knock-on effects on the game. Some tech is internally classified as "dangerous" and gets used sparingly

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Thanks for this AMA opportunity, Rhino Staff!

    What is the team's theory or inspiration concerning mechanical complexity within Mythgard? Are there any standard rules that the team follows to ensure plenty of opportunities to REALLY exercise one's brain without isolating players who desire more of a casual play-style? My opinion: mechanical simplicity quickly grows stale after longer periods of playtime, and mechanical complexity(profound faction strategies, abundant opportunities for deck-building creativity) inspires lengthened hours of playability for more avid players.

    Does the team have any opinions on a 2v2 Arena Draft Mode?


    I think we've historically leaned the direction you've described, but I'm not sure the reasoning is usually to bolster depth directly or knead in additional exploration/play time per se... I'd say in most cases we felt "free" to push complex designs because other games like Hearthstone do such a good job of working within stricter complexity limits, something that I think can take more discipline and internal doctrine to get right and more polish to help "justify" if that makes sense. It's interesting to study Dwarf Fortress, potentially one of the best and most complex games of all time, and all the ways that people try to work accessibility into its core tenets without losing what makes the simulation so wild.
    We do TRY to keep word counts as low as possible given all the complexity, though, really!

    The Tournament mode is gonna make a LOT of configurations possible, I think we tested a 2v2 Draft just the other day, actually!

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    When designing cards, do you more frequently find yourself searching for a mechanic to fit a lore idea, or searching for lore to fit a mechanical idea? What are some of your favorite cards that were designed starting with lore vs. starting with mechanics?

    Yeah there's definitely examples of ALL probably directions for this, mechanics first, art first, themeing first, blends in-between them.

    Marching Orders is one of my favorite "mechanics first" designs

    Panic Raider is one of my favorite "art first" designs

    "Themeing first" designs are tough... there's a lot of those, but Grinning Kolobok is a good one

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hi, thanks for creating this game! The best card game I have ever played. I have 2 questions!

    1) To incentivize people to spend money on this game (which I want to do more), can you guys consider lowering the cost of Mythril? Right now, spending money on the game doesn't feel too rewarding since packs are expensive to buy with Mythril. Keep in mind, a triple A game is only $70. Therefore, if someone is willing to spend $70 on mythgard, they should be rewarded with a ton of packs. So far, I have bought the starter pack, since its really good value for money.

    2) I love the 2v2 mode! It allows me to play Mythgard with my friends on one team, which is more fun than fighting each other. Is there any plans to do more of that where 2 players can collaborate/ do things together. Mythgard is fun to play by yourself, but even more fun to play with friends. This is one reason why games like League of Legends, Fortnite, Pubg etc are so popular.


    2v2 stresses me out for some reason! I'm always letting someone down, ha ha

    I did not originally think it was gonna work out as well as it does, but you're certainly right that co-op can be a huge social gaming driver. I think this is one of the things that Autobattlers are currently grappling with...

    I think we'd have to fix some of the UI stuff around 2v2 and make some of the center lane interactions clearer for it to feel like a "main" mode though

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hey Rhino Team! So far i see you having no problems on doing big balance patches, but what are your thoughts about releasing a balance patch every month? pros and cons?

    For me, on other ccgs i am tired of seeing an overpower card and say something like: "Um, this card should have 1 less health". And yet, wait 4 months in an oppresive toxic meta until it get actually nerf.

    League of Legends understand that with a big pool of champions(cards), there is always gonna be overpower tier 1 cards, and they do smalls balance patches every 2 weeks to shake things up.

    We've actually intended to do small balance patches in the past that turned INTO big balance patches, so there's some evidence pointing toward an internal desire to do less shift more frequently, but there's gotta be some kind of middle ground.

    Every 2 weeks seems pretty aggressive. Even Riot isn't tuning Runeterra as aggressively as League (thus far) but the LoL team's patch cadence is something they established and built a massive org around from the start.
    Would you believe that they used to release an entire new CHAMPION every TWO WEEKS? They did it for like a year before slowing down, that's how they overtook DotA in terms of characters so quickly. It was insane (and very buggy).

    4 months might be too long! Is that the current Hearthstone cadence, I've lost track

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Would you make more “trap” like cards similar to quicksand hourglass or bell in the future? I think it adds the “surprise element” to matches.

    No one has talked about it before but the dragon ball super TCG uses burning mechanic too did you happen to take inspiration from that card game or was it just coincidence?

    I believe we would make more, within reason, yes! They're interesting but probably easy to overdo unless you're something something YuGiOh...

    I think he said elsewhere on here that the main burn mechanic inspiration came from a paper variant of MtG that Phu used to play way back when, but good ideas spring up in multiple places all the time, especially if they are elegant! I recall there always being a desire for a system like it from day 1, but it took some days or weeks for all the mana system ideas to settle into this shape. At this point there are quite a few reasonable "landless" design solutions out there, but faction restricted deckbuilding wins the "simplest" award, we just weren't willing to sacrifice as many things as you gotta.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    When will Laser Grid get piercing?

    I knew it! The scrollNarrative means I answered this elsewhere, meaning that I can't do some cute "Never! Maybe. ok" joke here

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Is there any serious consideration to releasing the placeholder art as a prestige option or something along those lines?

    Obligatory "placeholder art looks like it was drawn by drunken weasels!" comment goes here

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    When can we expect balance changes and bug fixes to drop? Are they coming next week? The week after? The essence refund for cards nerfed last patch still hasn't been released, a month afterwards.

    I think we're looking at a bugfix cycle that's directly tied to the Tournaments feature for some tricky code/production reasons. Balance isn't as big a focus as cleaning things up in the moment, but I can say that there are like, daily threats over here to that soon(tm) statement that has to be bandied about in times like these leading up to an official announcement.

    It's not ideal, but pretty sure that when next we patch, anything that got nerfed in 0.17.6 is gonna be set to the full crafting refund option, (not the "time frame created in" restricted mode) but how long they'll be in that state hasn't been locked in.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Generic question, but what cards/factions have been the most problematic to balance thus far?

    It's pretty close, they're all troublesome in different ways, but I guess it's a tie between Norden for being classically good at too many things and Dreni for seeming irrelevant most of the time and then teetering into busted states using comparatively small card changes as a fulcrum.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    To nobody in particular:

    What card concept were you excited to see, but never quite made it to live?

    What plans are there for expanding the player base as we approach official launch, and beyond?

    Can we buy all the placeholder art eventually pleeeeeease? Not even as game assets just as a zip file or something haha

    There was a meteor spell that dealt damage to the occupant of a lane and then radiated outward, dealing 1 less to each lane in turn. The implementation for it was tricky and it didn't fit that well into any specific faction, but certainly very cool and the VFX would obviously kick ass. I think the shortest distance to viable wording on the card really hurts it; simple damage->shape idea that reads really badly once you try to lay it out.

    This has got to be some sort of ringer; the MSpaint placeholders aren't worth the bytes they're printed on!
    In all seriousness though, it would be really hard to justify checking all those awful textures into the game for the sake of an April Fools thing or funny joke, and they're also sadly not comprehensive; most of the cards don't even have placeholders, so it would also be a really weird task to go backwards and make them while trying to "forget" what the real card looks like, or making someone's kid that doesn't know the cards do a crazy amount of illustration work, ha ha!

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I have some questions: (some are about card design decisions for the game. I am not asking exactly about the next expansion, but overall )

    -Do you draw inspiration from other cardgames such as Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering? I heard the whole team is very competent professionally regarding TCGs and CCGs.

    If so can we expect inspired mechanics right? (we already have some - deathtouch, first strike, defender, trample, etc), but please never make something like hexproof! The only reason why warded is not game-breaking is because we can turn it into a sheep, or spirit away, murmur, seal of exile and that kind of thing. Having the possibility to always target things is crucial to not making the game fall on itself and lose all the playerbase.

    -Will there be more milling engines? LLort alone is not good.

    -Will there be any dredge engines? (self-milling, for boneyard-heavy decks and effects that depend on number of stuff on boneyard, just like abomination and peach of life)

    -Will there be any card that can burn for 2 gems? (Like a dual land)

    -Or in the example of the above, will there be any ramp that doesnt just give mana, but gems or mana and gems?

    -Are you a group of friends each with a technical skill or all hired professionals? Do you hire developers? Do you hire remote-working developers? (i am a software developer lol :D )

    -Also, ranked draft???? (keepers, with entry fee of course)

    And lastly I would like to give some feedback on last UI patch. Edges and effects are more beautiful, but disposition of elements on screen is confusing! Please put the mana bar back where it was!

    -How do you handle community feedback like the one I gave above, and how do you take that into actual account for changes on the game?

    EDIT: Also, thank you for the awesome game!

    MtG is definitely the biggest gaming influencer because some of us played so much of it back in the day. There's comparatively WAY less Hearthstone and other CCG experience on the team, but that doesn't mean there isn't some glancing over and influence, just probably way more subtle than the big chonking Magic references.

    There are definitely a lot of fun things we can do with multicolor, but based on what's been made and which multicolor designs got reigned in it probably makes the most sense to explore those patterns in whole new cycles; give them proper space and representation as opposed to say, forcing in a couple of three color cards because we can, for example.
    I do recall some discussions about what it would take to burn a card for one color or the other, but there's probably more elegant ways to explore that space than simply popping up a choice dialog after your burn.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    As a CCG nerd and game design apprentice, I got some questions to ask. Mostly about game/card designing.

    • There were many cards in Mythgard resembled some old faces in early years of Magic: the Gathering, like Balance (hence the name), Ichor Feast (as a one-shot Necropotence), The Stretcher, Wings of Abandon (before Overrun nerf, as “Ball Lighting”), Allfather’s Horn, Skilled Hacktivist (as “Ophidian”), Fire Eater (as “Tim”), Plague Maidens (as “Pestilence”). Could you talk about how these early-stage MtG cards influenced you on designing Mythgard? Will we see more of them?
    • And, as Mythgard got so much influence from MtG, how do you design the “digital” part of “digital CCG” but not bound by paper CCG legacy?
    • You gave all six colors AOE effects in a different way, you gave all six colors Lane Enchantments that help players drawing cards. All colors got the same tools. So how do you make all six colors distinguished? I observed that many new players couldn’t grasp the strength and weakness of six colors when they started playing. Do you think it’s a problem needs to be solved?
    • I like “Charm” cards like Troikasekt, please make more of them. And lift its power level a little. Powerful and flexible cards are so useful in Bo1 system.
    • I saw your efforts in the past two months to improve Stealth: made Stealth minions more viable, and made your opponent harder to guess the correct answer. How about the design space for cards like Imperative Bell? Could you find a way to make that card good but also not degrade user experience? Will we see more mini mind game cards like Imperative Bell or Quicksand Hourglass? Or, will we see more "card effects during your opponent's turn"?
    • I like how your approach to design different vanilla/french vanilla minions in different colors. Like 437 in Yellow, 455 in green, 799 in red, 677 in orange. They’re very elegant design. In most CCG, (french)vanilla minions are mostly filler, or only for limited play. But in Mythgard, it seems that there are far fewer “filler” cards than most CCG. How do you see (french)vanilla minions or “filler” in CCG?
    • When will we see Neutral (colorless) cards in Mythgard? Another somehow relevance but opposite question: when will we see multi-gem color-fixer cards?
    • Do the freedom of you could put any Path and Power into any deck actually limit their design space?

    There are indeed lots of references to other card games (and other games in general) peppered all over the place for sure. Ichor Feast might actually be a coincidence, but it's hard to say/remember if something bubbled up as a comparison vs. our gaming past sort of randomly haunts the idea space.
    You didn't mention Serendipity Ifreet or Duskwing Angel!

    I think being a paper game is the bigger limiter. Digital is much more "freeing" and forgiving from a design standpoint for sure. That said, the team's roots in paper games definitely influenced some systems decisions, and I suspect there are "tricks" that some digital CCGs are really fond of that we didn't fully consider or plan to use initially. It's possible that more of those will creep in where appropriate, as they already did during Parsa and Harmony development. Sometimes that's just a side effect of having a richer code base to work from though, access to new tech and features that allowed us do more things that aren't feasible in a paper game.

    "Same tools, different ways" is a pretty good description of how some of the faction differentiation shook out. Enchantments as a core card type probably need to exist in every color, but ideally they feel different or other cards in the color interact with them differently. I know the faction design of core is definitely not perfect- we started with three of the colors nomming up a lot of design space because we needed to work out the mechanics, and then three more colors crashed the party and really changed things. In some cases mythological identities weren't exactly aligned with faction identities, but I hope that while messy, some of the results feel like a complex and somewhat living thing. MtG has sort of mastered the art of color identity, but a lot of their output is also very one-note; the red cards are all VERY firey and aggro to a tee... but maybe we've bitten off a trickier thing by not having a completely made up fantasy world.
    I think the heightened comparisons to our real world are a neat point of interest, but by roughly mapping a color to a part of the world, to a culture... well, some might consider being TOO one-note kind of offensive.
    Is Shopworn Bull a perfectly designed cog in the red machine?
    Definitely not.
    But we've got some diversity in there we can hopefully be proud of; He proves that not everyone in Oberos territory is a hedonistic flaming blood lord!

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    What do you guys think a ‘typical’ mythgard player profile is? How much per day do they play, how long is a play session, what platform (mobile vs PC)?

    How does that influence development - ideal game lengths, card balancing, and in game economy?

    Is MG going to aim at the dedicated, 6hr session PC tournament players, with complex board states and regular long tournaments; or the dip-in, couple of games at a time mobile players, with cards that tend to close out games quicker and tournaments you can play without needing to dedicate hours at a time (such as month long arena leagues, for instance)?

    I think we often wish that average match times could be SLIGHTLY shorter, but the desire for a very deep and somewhat complex game was always there limiting HOW short. Been seeing some examples of how too short can feel really bad, and in a related but separate sense I'm not sure we ever anticipated how even/winnable a ton of Mythgard matches can feel? I don't have the stats to back this up but I get the impression that concede rates are lower and later than some other CCGs.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    To no one in particular:

    • As keywords and various effects are added to the game, will they be added to godspore and splicing lab?

    • When will felines see the love they deserve and become the one true best tribal?

    • Are there plans to refresh the community decks?

    • Any questions that weren't asked, but you want to answer anyways?

    It's a bunch of dog lovers... I guess it can't be ruled out infinitely given cats finally got their tribal rolling in MtG after YEARS, but I wouldn't

    ...No one specifically asked what my favorite spell is but it MIGHT be Earthslide...

    Oh, actually that's way better- No one specifically asked what the impact of the pandemic is on the game and whether or not it was inspiring us to do horrible things with Blight...

    (really though this quarantine is making everything even harder than it already was)

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)


    What's your impression on the current metagame, especially concerning the cards that received large buffs in last balance update?

    Open-ended question: What do you think are each faction's main strengths and weaknesses? Is there still untapped potential for players to find?

    How and Why did you end up with no cost draft runs with timers for next free run if you resign early? Why not just scale both entry and rewards up so there's incentive to finish a run? I'd like one game mode with higher stakes.

    Somebody posted a screenshot of almost 10k coins out of a weekly chest. Do you know the chances of such a roll?

    What's your favorite Mythgard suggestion/idea by a player you've ever read on social media? Reddit, Discord, Twitter etc.

    Keeping some intended faction strengths and weaknesses in mind for the expansion, as it's pretty fair criticism that parts of Core don't have as much mechanical differentiation as they could, even if the thematic differentiation is mostly there.

    I... can't remember a specific/juicy suggestion/idea to showcase but I assume someone suggested that Phu make me put Piercing on Laser Grid so that's top of mind given it's a thing that's happening on my other monitor!

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hey devs! I just have a few general questions for anyone to answer. Feel free to answer as many or as little as you can, I understand you've got a lot of people to answer while working on other things for the game and your personal lives:

    First Question: Is the current UI the finalized UI or will there still be some changes and or QoL updates? To elaborate with a few examples:

    • You can't see the animated emotes until you're in game, so those unfamiliar with the animations may not know what they look like, and thus, it could take a few games of trial and error to end up with the set of emotes you're content with.
    • The alternative boards aren't found in the store tab, only when you're editing a deck.
    • You are unable to Auto Unmake all of your extra cards when in the deck building screen (and also cannot see how much essence you have unless you try to craft/unmake a card in the deck builder)
    • The collection tab doesn't have an option to see your boards or cardbacks, which I think would be helpful for those (such as myself) who are very interested in in game aesthetics

    Second Question: Has there been any internal discussion on using the Twitch drops system? While Valorant currently has a huge issue with "24/7" streams (aka rebroadcasts) due to its key drops, so much so that Twitch had to update their own rules, it's also been a known issue for streamers for other card games like TESL and Eternal where streams will be filled with more "viewers" but in reality a stream with 300+ people would have only a couple that were actually watching. While it's nice that those other games are providing these additional ways of getting in game rewards, I feel as if the system actually hurt those communities in the long run rather than foster interaction and viewership like they intended.

    Third Question: I'm sure it's on the way and in development, but I would just like to ask if you can shed any new details on the guilds system or a chat feature?

    Fourth Question: This is probably the most important question to me outside of the first one: What is your philosophy when it comes to balance changes? As we are still in a beta I completely understand cards getting completely reworked, but what about after full release? In full release will over/underperforming cards still be heavily reworked if need be or do you currently plan on trying to take a wait and see approach where a new set of cards could solve some balance issues without having to resort to nerfs, buffs and reworks most of the time?

    Sorry for so many questions! You all have been doing a great job with Mythgard so far (especially the ladder experience) and I'm really looking forward to see where everything goes.

    I would be shocked if anything in a live game could ever obtain "FINAL final" visual state, heh. Heck, even old gold master locked games on a disc don't have "final" visuals given the way the industry is remaking them!

    Twitch's live drop system is a really weird fit for the games that have been most visibly using it IMO. I think the genres of games that would integrate best haven't really figured it out or tried it, and it makes me wonder... Anyway, not sure how good of a fit card games are. If having Prime dropped some packs on you that would be rad, make Amazon notice or something!

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    This is probably a weird question, but: Why are there nine rounds in each arena run? Why not eight? Why not ten? The fact that if you win every match you get one game's worth of coins short of the daily cap messes with my OCD, so i've been pondering that a lot lately.

    Hm, yeah I dunno if this ever came up internally. It sounds like one of the coin pools would be perfectly consumed by a 10 game series so it feels like there's an opportunity for some numberological alignment?

    Definitely correct me if I'm misinterpreting the question though

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    What is the plan for the long term play for story and lore?

    My concern is there doesn't seem to be cohesive world building in terms of lore. Is this a deliberate choice, or something that will be built or improved upon in the future? To be more specific, much of the history preceding the story seems incomplete or unplanned.

    How will community submitted lore be treated in the future? Are they to be considered canon? Some of the player submitted lore, including my own, does limit potential lore, story or world building elements (e.g. backstory for notable mythics/named characters). Will it be replaced with 'official' lore if necessary? (Personally, I see it as inevitable)

    The player submitted lore text IS a pretty bold and experimental feeling thing, isn't it? But AFAIK there's no reason to draft a plan to REPLACE it at the moment.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Two questions:

    Are you planning on adding other mythologies and/or colors to the game?

    Your mana system is pretty similar to an older CCG called Duel Masters. Was that game an inspiration or is "using your regular cards as resources" a natural product of trying to avoid lands?

    Once upon a time, there was crazy talk of every single pantheon being it's own color simply because the mana system is flexible enough to theoretically support it! ...But of course the realities of how that sort of thing would interact with everything from expansions to packs to color readability reigned that right in.

    FWIW, already not ALL of the cards are rigidly constrained to a single pantheon! Maze of Iyatiku has a little bit of Native American in the mix, and Purple is already somewhat fusion-y, so yes, it should theoretically be feasible to fit more mythologies into the existing colors.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    General question : What are the card interactions that surprised you the most?

    For xeneth specifically : What is the card design you are the most happy about and the card you are the least satisfied of? Also same question but for more broader game systems rather than individual cards.

    For phu (I think?) : Why do the recent patchnotes not include explanation on the reasoning behind balance changes. I think it would help a bunch to have a clear vision on why some changes happen and what the expected result is.

    Finally, once the expansion is released, is the core set planned to stay identical past that point or can we still expect some improvement on core set balance?

    I am just bad enough at combinatorics that MOST of the interactions surprise me! There's SOME called shots in there, like I recall supporting the move into Dreni for Plague Maidens in part because I wanted to see it with Circle of Protection, but players come up with way more interesting combos than I'm probably capable of designing. Let's see... I recall being totally unprepared for the way Root of the World would come to be used in practice!

    I don't think I'm ever going to top Hopeless Necromantic from a naming standpoint, but even though it's licenced artwork and not a commission I've always felt like she magically came together spookily well... I can easily be tricked into splashing Green when Necromantics show up in draft.

    Desertification Engine didn't come together the way I'd envisioned it for sure, but that has more to do with my internal vision of the card being too specific; I've found it's much better to toss out the pieces of a card and let it come together in unexpected ways rather than imagining something specific and trying to force it to be good or look a certain way. I can't fully hate a card though, at least it has neat lore text!

    I'm partially responsible for the notes being a little less explain-y of late and we can probably bring a LITTLE of that back; I've noticed that some live games have a policy of including a paragraph of reasoning behind each and every change, and it's KIND OF a trap, or at least a double-edged sword. For one we don't have anything close to a producer or intern that might get tasked with a lot of side writing duties like that, but it's also first and foremost an information delivery platform, so there's not always a lot of value in finding a way to say "x card was too strong" but in 30ish words.
    In the past I've cherry picked specific changes and inserted additional context when it was more interesting than, "less red meta dominance plz" and that can probably happen again, but hopefully not in the obligatory "I'm struggling to come up with some sort of pun or joke about why this dood has 1 less health now" ...because I've been there, overwriting the patch notes that most of the players don't read. I've definitely been that guy.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Given recent balance changes that were...... poorly received, I was wondering if you could give us some insight into the balancing process.

    How do you choose which cards to balance, and how to balance them? And what are the overall goals you have in mind when you make changes to a card?

    The answer to this probably changes every time a big balance patch spins up, actually; side effect of not having an internal QA or playtest team most likely.

    The methodology has been different each time but has necessarily required varying amounts of player input; Early on there were more experiments, but Core should feel more like a known quantity now so bigger swings in direction may start to feel less appropriate.

    "Do the least amount of violence to individual cards in order to build a larger meta shift out of smaller tweaks" sounds like a reasonable philosophy, but execution, as always, quite difficult!

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hello rhinos, what are you favorite paths in the game and what new paths can we expect in the future?

    Rainbow's End is my personal favorite, but I don't think I'm very good at using it, paradoxically.
    I still want us to make a spell focused path at some point, but it's not "next in line" just yet...

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    So, this one is open to any member of the team (Multiple answers appreciated too). In the history of Mythgard Alpha and Beta so far what is your guys favourite bugs that have shown up, be it game play or visual/sounds?

    You know what mine is ;)

    Infinite Boneyard Abomination corpse explosion of doom I'm guessing?

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Phu: Some core mechanics of the game, large opening hands and burning specifically, address the issue of lack of agency that is present in some other CCGs. There's also remarkably few RNG cards which should lead to fewer non-games where the players' decisions don't matter. On the other hand there's also overpowered cards (Ingrid, Armageddon Angel, Magnus), snowbally cards (Pup, Godsblud Transfusion), binary cards that demand a specific answer or punish a specific deck (Seven Ring Ritual, Master of Shadows, Pillage) and some cards that are exceptionally powerful when drawn and played early (Draupnir Band, Herald of Famine), all of which erode player agency. Are you happy with the current state of player agency? If you had an infinite amount of dev resources would you change anything?

    Xeneth: Mythgard is both a CCG and a board game. For me the game is at its best when players are going back and forth, fighting for the board and doing anything they can to eek out an advantage. Have you seen high level Valkyrie mirror matches and how little they contest due to cairnhenge and other combat tricks existing? Are there plans to reward contesting more in future expansions?

    Hoon: The amount of time and thought that goes into the artwork still amazes me. Are there any specific details of some pieces that you're particularly proud of that have so far gone unnoticed by the community?

    It's a really funny angle to come from given I've never really been a master of board games and (where I've come into contact with it in video games at least) physical prototyping has always been pretty truncated in favor of digital iteration. I suspect some of the board gamey feel arose organically out of tons of smaller choices, like the lanes are partially there as a concrete way to limit minion count, and the attack trident system was a response to there being too many situations where move was the best action to take, etc. Piles and piles of smaller choices and... oh. It's kind of tactical now isn't it? At the time there were a lot of games going ALL IN on the tactical side like Duelyst and Faeria, so I'm glad that angle didn't take over; imagine how much MORE board gamey Mythgard would have been if Defender and lurker had just become two additional rows or something!

    It'll be interesting to see if any of the new tools change the character of that positional game, but it'd be silly to try and predict what's gonna happen; No one's keeping score internally but I bet I'm wrong more often than right when forced to project what the results of any individual trend or tuning adjustment have been!

    I know Phu is always trying to come up with answers to tricks that aren't just counterspell, but they're very difficult to incorporate into our ruleset... I've played a little bit of Runeterra and some of the "off board" answers have proved so upsetting that I don't think I've managed to make a good deck without Ionia, heh.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    For HOON or anyone working on Lore:

    Where did the storyline originate, who's brain child is this? What have been the challenges of integrating cards and mechanics in with the theme of the storylines and the like?

    Most of the "high level" ideas and direction originated with Phu, and most of the "low level" flavor and small ways in which mechanics mesh with themes is stuff I've touched, but we've had plenty of help, especially with Nines' dialogue writing and there's bits and pieces of everyone on the team woven into most stuff...

    For example, Hoon is the origin point of the idea that long fingernails are a thing Ved'ma witches use to trace and focus automagic, and I'm pretty sure details like that just arise organically when you get multiple creatives thinking about how and why to make a bunch of stuff distinct.

    As for the overarching world and setting, a big driver was always to have access to ALL of the things that interested us, not just some. I suppose there's some "creative greed" to that, but when we started a lot of card games were trying on more restrictive story and setting niches, such as "it's like hearthstone, but sci-fi instead of fantasy" and I don't think we wanted to have very many, (if any) limits on the kind of cards we planned to make.

  • Xeneth

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Really cool that you're setting this up for us - thanks Rhinos ❤

    Phu - What has been your proudest moment in the Mythgard creation process so far? I can imagine seeing the first game complete was a really cool moment. How did you (and paxton) go about assembling the fantastic team that you have?

    cydashnine and potato - What has been the trickiest thing you've had to implement in game? That's quite a broad question so I'll also ask one with a more specific answer: who would win in a fight between the two of you?

    Hoon - You have collected some of the most ridiculously talented artists, and you're an amazing artist in your own right! How do you find the artists that ultimately end up producing for Mythgard? Also, what is your favourite (released) art so far?

    Halosign - Do you have a lot of artistic freedom in your role, do you get to make things look exactly how you'd like, or are designers super strict on what they're after? (Who is the bossiest, you can tell us...)

    Martha Stewart - I don't play favourites, but if I did you'd be my favourite Martha Stewart from Mythgard. As you know I absolutely love Dora's VFX - what is your favourite VFX in the game? What was the trickiest to get right/isn't quite what you were wanting?

    Xeneth - What is your favourite (released) faction? What is your absolute most hated card (to either play or have played against you)? Also, if you could mass produce any type of Mythgard merchandise what would it be, and why is it a t-shirt with the placeholder art for Alchemical Key?

    Leo - What is the most difficult part about working remotely from the team? I know you're a fellow Valk lover (nobody mug us, we were playing Valks pre-patch!!), are there any other builds that have stolen your heart? Will we get a Leo Mythgard stream one day?

    One for all of you for non-pandemic times (although Leo might have got out of this one): who is the most likely to steal lunch out of the office fridge and who are they most likely to blame it on?

    Traditionally my favorite has always been Aztlan(Yellow) from a thematic standpoint. With all the other stuff going on it's difficult to wrap noggins around just how different the world would be if ANY of the cultures that have been obliterated by colonization were still around. (I guess I have my fair share of American guilt about stuff like that.)
    That said, Harmony(Purple) might have become the most exciting faction for me given it's a perfect storm of themes I love to see from the Eastern entertainment industry; high tech cyberpunk, horror in the mundane, and virtual/augmented reality!

    Aaargh that shirt! Merch is just so... sometimes I think I have an allergy to brands like Cayce from Pattern Recognition...
    I suppose there could be a shirt that says:
    Common &
    Uncommon &
    Rare &

    And it would technically function as an MtG reference in addition to Mythgard

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hi everyone, thanks for all your questions. I'm outie, back to working on tournaments. Gotta get this damn thing out the door...

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    And what are the plans for marketing? I don't want to see this amazing gem go the TESL way :-(

    Marketing is really really tricky. For niche genres, and especially CCGs, it doesn't seem to matter how much you spend, it doesn't translate into users. It's a hard nut to crack for sure.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    When will Laser Grid get piercing?

    I've challenged xeneth to add piercing to it for next patch. We'll see if he pulls through. Communication can be hard in the age of COVID ;)

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    any plan on adding sound effects when putting minion down? like the weird but satisfying "vroon" sound in hearthstone

    imo that's the dullest point of MG, I feel like I did nothing when I play a minion

    i think my game experience will be so much better with some good sound effects

    Yeah, the overall sound design has really stood out in the wrong way for this project - our team is just too small and focused on other things to give it the love it deserves. I still hold out hope that we can find the right person to join up and devote some time to it in the future!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    any plan on adding sound effects when putting minion down? like the weird but satisfying "vroon" sound in hearthstone

    imo that's the dullest point of MG, I feel like I did nothing when I play a minion

    i think my game experience will be so much better with some good sound effects

    Yeah, the overall sound design has really stood out in the wrong way for this project - our team is just too small and focused on other things to give it the love it deserves. I still hold out hope that we can find the right person to join up and devote some time to it in the future!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Is there any serious consideration to releasing the placeholder art as a prestige option or something along those lines?

    Good morning, OkamiNoKiba!

    No, we don't really want to release the placeholder art as a prestige option. I know a lot of people love it, but for people who are new to the game, seeing the placeholder art can be off-putting. We'll keep an eye out for other ways to take advantage of the art in the future though!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    To nobody in particular:

    What card concept were you excited to see, but never quite made it to live?

    What plans are there for expanding the player base as we approach official launch, and beyond?

    Can we buy all the placeholder art eventually pleeeeeease? Not even as game assets just as a zip file or something haha

    The original original idea and the second and third and fourth ideas for The Recursionist.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    To no one in particular:

    • As keywords and various effects are added to the game, will they be added to godspore and splicing lab?

    • When will felines see the love they deserve and become the one true best tribal?

    • Are there plans to refresh the community decks?

    • Any questions that weren't asked, but you want to answer anyways?

    No I didn't go to r/ImSorryJahan. I got that mixed up with r/freefolk somehow. Wait, did you edit? j/k

    Hey burnmelt, on to your real questions:

    • Yes, we'll look to revisit mutations in the future

    • Aren't tribal felines a bit of an oxymoron? Leonines on the other hand...

    • The community decks are getting stale aren't they? So much has gotten lost while I've been spending all my energy on tournaments...

    • No, I haven't finished listening to Fetch the Boltcutters yet.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hello rhinos, what are you favorite paths in the game and what new paths can we expect in the future?

    Hello kishkisans! I don't think I have a favorite path really. We do have a new path in production for the expansion. It wasn't the one I wanted to do at first, but it fits the theme of the expansion a lot more, so it's the one we're going with!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Can you give us any info about the upcoming expansion, such as:

    • What’s it called?

    • What’s the overall theme?

    • How many new Mythics can we expect to see in the set?

    • Obviously it has been delayed, but is there a new rough estimate of when we can expect it to drop?

    I'm gonna avoid talking about the expansion too much, sorry! And also, apologies for the delay - it's definitely taken a lot longer than I wanted. I think we have about 70% of the art in production right now, but a lot of different stuffs have made getting it out on time hard.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I have some questions: (some are about card design decisions for the game. I am not asking exactly about the next expansion, but overall )

    -Do you draw inspiration from other cardgames such as Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering? I heard the whole team is very competent professionally regarding TCGs and CCGs.

    If so can we expect inspired mechanics right? (we already have some - deathtouch, first strike, defender, trample, etc), but please never make something like hexproof! The only reason why warded is not game-breaking is because we can turn it into a sheep, or spirit away, murmur, seal of exile and that kind of thing. Having the possibility to always target things is crucial to not making the game fall on itself and lose all the playerbase.

    -Will there be more milling engines? LLort alone is not good.

    -Will there be any dredge engines? (self-milling, for boneyard-heavy decks and effects that depend on number of stuff on boneyard, just like abomination and peach of life)

    -Will there be any card that can burn for 2 gems? (Like a dual land)

    -Or in the example of the above, will there be any ramp that doesnt just give mana, but gems or mana and gems?

    -Are you a group of friends each with a technical skill or all hired professionals? Do you hire developers? Do you hire remote-working developers? (i am a software developer lol :D )

    -Also, ranked draft???? (keepers, with entry fee of course)

    And lastly I would like to give some feedback on last UI patch. Edges and effects are more beautiful, but disposition of elements on screen is confusing! Please put the mana bar back where it was!

    -How do you handle community feedback like the one I gave above, and how do you take that into actual account for changes on the game?

    EDIT: Also, thank you for the awesome game!

    Hello lucasHipolito!

    We draw inspiration from other CCGs of course - it’s hard not to! I wouldn’t say the team is competent with CCGs though. I do think we’re very competent game developers, and that makes up for a lot. Thanks much for the praise, it means the world, and your feedback and ideas as well.

    The new tournament system supports keeper draft, as well as synchronous draft. I hope to get that into your hands in the next few days.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    To nobody in particular:

    What card concept were you excited to see, but never quite made it to live?

    What plans are there for expanding the player base as we approach official launch, and beyond?

    Can we buy all the placeholder art eventually pleeeeeease? Not even as game assets just as a zip file or something haha

    The original original idea and the second and third and fourth ideas for The Recursionist.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hello rhinos, what are you favorite paths in the game and what new paths can we expect in the future?

    Hello kishkisans! I don't think I have a favorite path really. We do have a new path in production for the expansion. It wasn't the one I wanted to do at first, but it fits the theme of the expansion a lot more, so it's the one we're going with!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Can you give us any info about the upcoming expansion, such as:

    • What’s it called?

    • What’s the overall theme?

    • How many new Mythics can we expect to see in the set?

    • Obviously it has been delayed, but is there a new rough estimate of when we can expect it to drop?

    I'm gonna avoid talking about the expansion too much, sorry! And also, apologies for the delay - it's definitely taken a lot longer than I wanted. I think we have about 70% of the art in production right now, but a lot of different stuffs have made getting it out on time hard.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    As a CCG nerd and game design apprentice, I got some questions to ask. Mostly about game/card designing.

    • There were many cards in Mythgard resembled some old faces in early years of Magic: the Gathering, like Balance (hence the name), Ichor Feast (as a one-shot Necropotence), The Stretcher, Wings of Abandon (before Overrun nerf, as “Ball Lighting”), Allfather’s Horn, Skilled Hacktivist (as “Ophidian”), Fire Eater (as “Tim”), Plague Maidens (as “Pestilence”). Could you talk about how these early-stage MtG cards influenced you on designing Mythgard? Will we see more of them?
    • And, as Mythgard got so much influence from MtG, how do you design the “digital” part of “digital CCG” but not bound by paper CCG legacy?
    • You gave all six colors AOE effects in a different way, you gave all six colors Lane Enchantments that help players drawing cards. All colors got the same tools. So how do you make all six colors distinguished? I observed that many new players couldn’t grasp the strength and weakness of six colors when they started playing. Do you think it’s a problem needs to be solved?
    • I like “Charm” cards like Troikasekt, please make more of them. And lift its power level a little. Powerful and flexible cards are so useful in Bo1 system.
    • I saw your efforts in the past two months to improve Stealth: made Stealth minions more viable, and made your opponent harder to guess the correct answer. How about the design space for cards like Imperative Bell? Could you find a way to make that card good but also not degrade user experience? Will we see more mini mind game cards like Imperative Bell or Quicksand Hourglass? Or, will we see more "card effects during your opponent's turn"?
    • I like how your approach to design different vanilla/french vanilla minions in different colors. Like 437 in Yellow, 455 in green, 799 in red, 677 in orange. They’re very elegant design. In most CCG, (french)vanilla minions are mostly filler, or only for limited play. But in Mythgard, it seems that there are far fewer “filler” cards than most CCG. How do you see (french)vanilla minions or “filler” in CCG?
    • When will we see Neutral (colorless) cards in Mythgard? Another somehow relevance but opposite question: when will we see multi-gem color-fixer cards?
    • Do the freedom of you could put any Path and Power into any deck actually limit their design space?

    g'day mate!

    • MtG is a huge influence on us (and probably most other CCG designers), and we're constantly talking about doing an MG spin on this or that favorite from the past, so you'll undoubtedly see more in the future.

    • Designing any digital game is really different. People behave differently (and expect different things) online than they do in real life, and taking that into account is both hard and really important.

    • I definitely think that faction identity is a point where MG could do better, especially from the perspective of new players. I think experienced players get a feel that the colors are very different, and it's probably not a weakness of the game design for most of them.

    • We developed the tech for Imperative Bell rather recently, but cards like that are something that we've always aspired to, and we certainly hope to take more advantage of those systems/mechanics in the future.

    • We've found that the vocal part of our audience doesn't like filler cards, so we've somewhat gravitated towards having fewer of them. I don't mind them myself, but what can you do? Thanks for the praise though - we do want to do vanilla cards as well as we possibly can.

    • We've talked about neutral cards, but there hasn't seemed to be a pressing need as yet. We're not against it in principle. We've definitely discussed color fixers, both in terms of cards and paths, and those are probably a bit closer on the horizon than neutral cards at this point.

    • I think the biggest limiter on Paths is trying to reduce complexity. The amount of words on Paths is clearly intimidating to a lot of new players, and something we need to work on.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Really cool that you're setting this up for us - thanks Rhinos ❤

    Phu - What has been your proudest moment in the Mythgard creation process so far? I can imagine seeing the first game complete was a really cool moment. How did you (and paxton) go about assembling the fantastic team that you have?

    cydashnine and potato - What has been the trickiest thing you've had to implement in game? That's quite a broad question so I'll also ask one with a more specific answer: who would win in a fight between the two of you?

    Hoon - You have collected some of the most ridiculously talented artists, and you're an amazing artist in your own right! How do you find the artists that ultimately end up producing for Mythgard? Also, what is your favourite (released) art so far?

    Halosign - Do you have a lot of artistic freedom in your role, do you get to make things look exactly how you'd like, or are designers super strict on what they're after? (Who is the bossiest, you can tell us...)

    Martha Stewart - I don't play favourites, but if I did you'd be my favourite Martha Stewart from Mythgard. As you know I absolutely love Dora's VFX - what is your favourite VFX in the game? What was the trickiest to get right/isn't quite what you were wanting?

    Xeneth - What is your favourite (released) faction? What is your absolute most hated card (to either play or have played against you)? Also, if you could mass produce any type of Mythgard merchandise what would it be, and why is it a t-shirt with the placeholder art for Alchemical Key?

    Leo - What is the most difficult part about working remotely from the team? I know you're a fellow Valk lover (nobody mug us, we were playing Valks pre-patch!!), are there any other builds that have stolen your heart? Will we get a Leo Mythgard stream one day?

    One for all of you for non-pandemic times (although Leo might have got out of this one): who is the most likely to steal lunch out of the office fridge and who are they most likely to blame it on?

    Hi Eolis! I think getting the ai going after a (long) weekend of work was a pretty neat accomplishment that I felt really good about. Not that it's particularly good at playing the game, but it’s served us for a long time while requiring barely any updates or maintenance - it pretty easily adapts to all the new cards and mechanics we throw at it, so that’s been pretty cool.

    Our team is built entirely out of either people we worked with in the past, liked, and respected greatly or as recommendations from them. That’s really worked well for us, and it’s been a pleasure and honor working with them. I’m really proud of what they’ve accomplished so far!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    As a CCG nerd and game design apprentice, I got some questions to ask. Mostly about game/card designing.

    • There were many cards in Mythgard resembled some old faces in early years of Magic: the Gathering, like Balance (hence the name), Ichor Feast (as a one-shot Necropotence), The Stretcher, Wings of Abandon (before Overrun nerf, as “Ball Lighting”), Allfather’s Horn, Skilled Hacktivist (as “Ophidian”), Fire Eater (as “Tim”), Plague Maidens (as “Pestilence”). Could you talk about how these early-stage MtG cards influenced you on designing Mythgard? Will we see more of them?
    • And, as Mythgard got so much influence from MtG, how do you design the “digital” part of “digital CCG” but not bound by paper CCG legacy?
    • You gave all six colors AOE effects in a different way, you gave all six colors Lane Enchantments that help players drawing cards. All colors got the same tools. So how do you make all six colors distinguished? I observed that many new players couldn’t grasp the strength and weakness of six colors when they started playing. Do you think it’s a problem needs to be solved?
    • I like “Charm” cards like Troikasekt, please make more of them. And lift its power level a little. Powerful and flexible cards are so useful in Bo1 system.
    • I saw your efforts in the past two months to improve Stealth: made Stealth minions more viable, and made your opponent harder to guess the correct answer. How about the design space for cards like Imperative Bell? Could you find a way to make that card good but also not degrade user experience? Will we see more mini mind game cards like Imperative Bell or Quicksand Hourglass? Or, will we see more "card effects during your opponent's turn"?
    • I like how your approach to design different vanilla/french vanilla minions in different colors. Like 437 in Yellow, 455 in green, 799 in red, 677 in orange. They’re very elegant design. In most CCG, (french)vanilla minions are mostly filler, or only for limited play. But in Mythgard, it seems that there are far fewer “filler” cards than most CCG. How do you see (french)vanilla minions or “filler” in CCG?
    • When will we see Neutral (colorless) cards in Mythgard? Another somehow relevance but opposite question: when will we see multi-gem color-fixer cards?
    • Do the freedom of you could put any Path and Power into any deck actually limit their design space?

    g'day mate!

    • MtG is a huge influence on us (and probably most other CCG designers), and we're constantly talking about doing an MG spin on this or that favorite from the past, so you'll undoubtedly see more in the future.

    • Designing any digital game is really different. People behave differently (and expect different things) online than they do in real life, and taking that into account is both hard and really important.

    • I definitely think that faction identity is a point where MG could do better, especially from the perspective of new players. I think experienced players get a feel that the colors are very different, and it's probably not a weakness of the game design for most of them.

    • We developed the tech for Imperative Bell rather recently, but cards like that are something that we've always aspired to, and we certainly hope to take more advantage of those systems/mechanics in the future.

    • We've found that the vocal part of our audience doesn't like filler cards, so we've somewhat gravitated towards having fewer of them. I don't mind them myself, but what can you do? Thanks for the praise though - we do want to do vanilla cards as well as we possibly can.

    • We've talked about neutral cards, but there hasn't seemed to be a pressing need as yet. We're not against it in principle. We've definitely discussed color fixers, both in terms of cards and paths, and those are probably a bit closer on the horizon than neutral cards at this point.

    • I think the biggest limiter on Paths is trying to reduce complexity. The amount of words on Paths is clearly intimidating to a lot of new players, and something we need to work on.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hey devs! I just have a few general questions for anyone to answer. Feel free to answer as many or as little as you can, I understand you've got a lot of people to answer while working on other things for the game and your personal lives:

    First Question: Is the current UI the finalized UI or will there still be some changes and or QoL updates? To elaborate with a few examples:

    • You can't see the animated emotes until you're in game, so those unfamiliar with the animations may not know what they look like, and thus, it could take a few games of trial and error to end up with the set of emotes you're content with.
    • The alternative boards aren't found in the store tab, only when you're editing a deck.
    • You are unable to Auto Unmake all of your extra cards when in the deck building screen (and also cannot see how much essence you have unless you try to craft/unmake a card in the deck builder)
    • The collection tab doesn't have an option to see your boards or cardbacks, which I think would be helpful for those (such as myself) who are very interested in in game aesthetics

    Second Question: Has there been any internal discussion on using the Twitch drops system? While Valorant currently has a huge issue with "24/7" streams (aka rebroadcasts) due to its key drops, so much so that Twitch had to update their own rules, it's also been a known issue for streamers for other card games like TESL and Eternal where streams will be filled with more "viewers" but in reality a stream with 300+ people would have only a couple that were actually watching. While it's nice that those other games are providing these additional ways of getting in game rewards, I feel as if the system actually hurt those communities in the long run rather than foster interaction and viewership like they intended.

    Third Question: I'm sure it's on the way and in development, but I would just like to ask if you can shed any new details on the guilds system or a chat feature?

    Fourth Question: This is probably the most important question to me outside of the first one: What is your philosophy when it comes to balance changes? As we are still in a beta I completely understand cards getting completely reworked, but what about after full release? In full release will over/underperforming cards still be heavily reworked if need be or do you currently plan on trying to take a wait and see approach where a new set of cards could solve some balance issues without having to resort to nerfs, buffs and reworks most of the time?

    Sorry for so many questions! You all have been doing a great job with Mythgard so far (especially the ladder experience) and I'm really looking forward to see where everything goes.

    Hey dude! That's a lot of questions - I'll try to get to them one at a time:

    1. Continual polish is our thing. I hope to eventually address all of those issues that you mentioned, and all the other annoying UI things that bug me eventually!

    2. We've never given Twitch drops significant thought.

    3. Haven't started on guilds or chat yet - tournaments took way longer than I expected (it's one of the few game systems I've never built before, and it was way way more involved than I estimated). I'm inclined to do chat before guilds, at this point with the caveats that I expressed in my first every (impromptu) stream.

    4. I don't think we'll alter the pace at which we change cards that much in the future vs. now. It's a tricky situation though, because some people definitely hate it when we change cards while others really desire it.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    What do you guys think a ‘typical’ mythgard player profile is? How much per day do they play, how long is a play session, what platform (mobile vs PC)?

    How does that influence development - ideal game lengths, card balancing, and in game economy?

    Is MG going to aim at the dedicated, 6hr session PC tournament players, with complex board states and regular long tournaments; or the dip-in, couple of games at a time mobile players, with cards that tend to close out games quicker and tournaments you can play without needing to dedicate hours at a time (such as month long arena leagues, for instance)?

    Hey BertramNiblitz.

    We're really trying to hit multiple notes here, with games that aren't too long for mobile, but deep enough to appeal to PC players as well. Part of the reason for that is that the dev team itself runs the gamut of player types, with some of us that only game on mobile while others mostly game on console. Most of us play a lot of games on multiple different platforms, and so the ability to handoff games started on one device onto another is something that we make frequent use of.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)


    What's your impression on the current metagame, especially concerning the cards that received large buffs in last balance update?

    Open-ended question: What do you think are each faction's main strengths and weaknesses? Is there still untapped potential for players to find?

    How and Why did you end up with no cost draft runs with timers for next free run if you resign early? Why not just scale both entry and rewards up so there's incentive to finish a run? I'd like one game mode with higher stakes.

    Somebody posted a screenshot of almost 10k coins out of a weekly chest. Do you know the chances of such a roll?

    What's your favorite Mythgard suggestion/idea by a player you've ever read on social media? Reddit, Discord, Twitter etc.

    Hi Forgiven12, please forgive me if I don't answer all your questions :)

    I came up with the idea of no cost draft runs because I think high stakes draft formats create a vicious cycle where the worst cohort of players are repeatedly driven away, and I didn't want the limited scene to be impeded by that sort of economy.

    My hope is that tournaments can fill the gap for high-stakes play with such features as creator set entry fees and prize tables, and support for Mythril (as well as real money and/or crypto in the future).

    Most people I've talked to get at least one 10K chest at some point if they keep playing, so I'd guess they're rare, but not outrageously so.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    So, this one is open to any member of the team (Multiple answers appreciated too). In the history of Mythgard Alpha and Beta so far what is your guys favourite bugs that have shown up, be it game play or visual/sounds?

    You know what mine is ;)

    Hello friend! We do know what your favorite bug is :) As for myself, I don’t have a favorite bug really - Mostly just hate them all with unequal but fervent passion.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Phu: Some core mechanics of the game, large opening hands and burning specifically, address the issue of lack of agency that is present in some other CCGs. There's also remarkably few RNG cards which should lead to fewer non-games where the players' decisions don't matter. On the other hand there's also overpowered cards (Ingrid, Armageddon Angel, Magnus), snowbally cards (Pup, Godsblud Transfusion), binary cards that demand a specific answer or punish a specific deck (Seven Ring Ritual, Master of Shadows, Pillage) and some cards that are exceptionally powerful when drawn and played early (Draupnir Band, Herald of Famine), all of which erode player agency. Are you happy with the current state of player agency? If you had an infinite amount of dev resources would you change anything?

    Xeneth: Mythgard is both a CCG and a board game. For me the game is at its best when players are going back and forth, fighting for the board and doing anything they can to eek out an advantage. Have you seen high level Valkyrie mirror matches and how little they contest due to cairnhenge and other combat tricks existing? Are there plans to reward contesting more in future expansions?

    Hoon: The amount of time and thought that goes into the artwork still amazes me. Are there any specific details of some pieces that you're particularly proud of that have so far gone unnoticed by the community?

    Hi L0gick27 - Too many questions! Is this an AmA?

    I’m never truly happy, and I haven’t had a chance to pay as much attention to the state of the game as I’d like. On the other hand, I also think I have a higher tolerance for somewhat OP, snowbally, etc cards than some people in our audience. Part of our design process is to on occasion push the envelope with effects that we think might be close to breaking the game. I do think that all of those things are necessary to some extent and the game would be less interesting to a larger audience if they weren’t present (each for their own distinct reasons), with the caveat that such cards need to be limited with competitive play in mind, and the team has to be willing to step in when things inevitably get out of hand.

    If I had an infinite amount of dev resources, I’d change the world!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    What is the plan for the long term play for story and lore?

    My concern is there doesn't seem to be cohesive world building in terms of lore. Is this a deliberate choice, or something that will be built or improved upon in the future? To be more specific, much of the history preceding the story seems incomplete or unplanned.

    How will community submitted lore be treated in the future? Are they to be considered canon? Some of the player submitted lore, including my own, does limit potential lore, story or world building elements (e.g. backstory for notable mythics/named characters). Will it be replaced with 'official' lore if necessary? (Personally, I see it as inevitable)

    We've been remiss in developing the lore. The team is small, and much too busy as it is. I don't have any expectations one way or another at this point - I'm afraid I haven't given it much thought the last few months. Hopefully, I get a chance to circle back and address it in the future!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Two questions:

    Are you planning on adding other mythologies and/or colors to the game?

    Your mana system is pretty similar to an older CCG called Duel Masters. Was that game an inspiration or is "using your regular cards as resources" a natural product of trying to avoid lands?

    Yo Nirast25! We've definitely discussed working in other mythologies into the colors that seem suitable. We've talked a lot about Egyptian, American AND East Indian, Polynesean, and much more. We're not inclined to add more colors though - six already seems like it's pushing some of the game systems that work better with not too many colors (drafting for example).

    The mana system is actually inspired by a variation of MtG I used to play with friends before Duel Masters was released.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    General question : What are the card interactions that surprised you the most?

    For xeneth specifically : What is the card design you are the most happy about and the card you are the least satisfied of? Also same question but for more broader game systems rather than individual cards.

    For phu (I think?) : Why do the recent patchnotes not include explanation on the reasoning behind balance changes. I think it would help a bunch to have a clear vision on why some changes happen and what the expected result is.

    Finally, once the expansion is released, is the core set planned to stay identical past that point or can we still expect some improvement on core set balance?

    Hi Laezar! I didn’t have a hand in the latest patch notes because of how busy I’ve been. However, usually xeneth writes the explanations. Personally, I’m not a big fan of design explanations for balance changes, because the vast majority of them would end up being some variation of “hey, this card’s too good” (or the opposite in our case, which I think is actually fairly atypical for the DCG industry). I do think the core set is still subject to a fair amount of change...

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    This is probably a weird question, but: Why are there nine rounds in each arena run? Why not eight? Why not ten? The fact that if you win every match you get one game's worth of coins short of the daily cap messes with my OCD, so i've been pondering that a lot lately.

    Hey LakazL! I started with nine because it seemed like the right number instinctually, based off of other similar modes in other games of course. After that, no good reason to change it ever came up. You may have finally come up with one?

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Really cool that you're setting this up for us - thanks Rhinos ❤

    Phu - What has been your proudest moment in the Mythgard creation process so far? I can imagine seeing the first game complete was a really cool moment. How did you (and paxton) go about assembling the fantastic team that you have?

    cydashnine and potato - What has been the trickiest thing you've had to implement in game? That's quite a broad question so I'll also ask one with a more specific answer: who would win in a fight between the two of you?

    Hoon - You have collected some of the most ridiculously talented artists, and you're an amazing artist in your own right! How do you find the artists that ultimately end up producing for Mythgard? Also, what is your favourite (released) art so far?

    Halosign - Do you have a lot of artistic freedom in your role, do you get to make things look exactly how you'd like, or are designers super strict on what they're after? (Who is the bossiest, you can tell us...)

    Martha Stewart - I don't play favourites, but if I did you'd be my favourite Martha Stewart from Mythgard. As you know I absolutely love Dora's VFX - what is your favourite VFX in the game? What was the trickiest to get right/isn't quite what you were wanting?

    Xeneth - What is your favourite (released) faction? What is your absolute most hated card (to either play or have played against you)? Also, if you could mass produce any type of Mythgard merchandise what would it be, and why is it a t-shirt with the placeholder art for Alchemical Key?

    Leo - What is the most difficult part about working remotely from the team? I know you're a fellow Valk lover (nobody mug us, we were playing Valks pre-patch!!), are there any other builds that have stolen your heart? Will we get a Leo Mythgard stream one day?

    One for all of you for non-pandemic times (although Leo might have got out of this one): who is the most likely to steal lunch out of the office fridge and who are they most likely to blame it on?

    Hi Eolis! I think getting the ai going after a (long) weekend of work was a pretty neat accomplishment that I felt really good about. Not that it's particularly good at playing the game, but it’s served us for a long time while requiring barely any updates or maintenance - it pretty easily adapts to all the new cards and mechanics we throw at it, so that’s been pretty cool.

    Our team is built entirely out of either people we worked with in the past, liked, and respected greatly or as recommendations from them. That’s really worked well for us, and it’s been a pleasure and honor working with them. I’m really proud of what they’ve accomplished so far!

  • RhinoLeo

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    What are your up till now least redeemed pack codes? ;-)

    Haha, I can answer this! So before I joined Rhino I had a pass for NYCC 2019. Once I joined I figure I could do something at the convention to try and get the word out. However, once I looked up their rules on advertisement within the convention I learned I had very limited options with a normal attendee pass.

    So I made some poster cards with Kara on the front and our information with a promo code on the back. I handed them out and dropped a few at high traffic rest stops in the Javis Center but it has been by far the lowest redeemed code.

    On the plus side, people seemed extremely interested in the art and I did not get in trouble with Comic-Con :-)

  • RhinoLeo

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    What are your up till now least redeemed pack codes? ;-)

    Haha, I can answer this! So before I joined Rhino I had a pass for NYCC 2019. Once I joined I figure I could do something at the convention to try and get the word out. However, once I looked up their rules on advertisement within the convention I learned I had very limited options with a normal attendee pass.

    So I made some poster cards with Kara on the front and our information with a promo code on the back. I handed them out and dropped a few at high traffic rest stops in the Javis Center but it has been by far the lowest redeemed code.

    On the plus side, people seemed extremely interested in the art and I did not get in trouble with Comic-Con :-)

  • RhinoLeo

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Really cool that you're setting this up for us - thanks Rhinos ❤

    Phu - What has been your proudest moment in the Mythgard creation process so far? I can imagine seeing the first game complete was a really cool moment. How did you (and paxton) go about assembling the fantastic team that you have?

    cydashnine and potato - What has been the trickiest thing you've had to implement in game? That's quite a broad question so I'll also ask one with a more specific answer: who would win in a fight between the two of you?

    Hoon - You have collected some of the most ridiculously talented artists, and you're an amazing artist in your own right! How do you find the artists that ultimately end up producing for Mythgard? Also, what is your favourite (released) art so far?

    Halosign - Do you have a lot of artistic freedom in your role, do you get to make things look exactly how you'd like, or are designers super strict on what they're after? (Who is the bossiest, you can tell us...)

    Martha Stewart - I don't play favourites, but if I did you'd be my favourite Martha Stewart from Mythgard. As you know I absolutely love Dora's VFX - what is your favourite VFX in the game? What was the trickiest to get right/isn't quite what you were wanting?

    Xeneth - What is your favourite (released) faction? What is your absolute most hated card (to either play or have played against you)? Also, if you could mass produce any type of Mythgard merchandise what would it be, and why is it a t-shirt with the placeholder art for Alchemical Key?

    Leo - What is the most difficult part about working remotely from the team? I know you're a fellow Valk lover (nobody mug us, we were playing Valks pre-patch!!), are there any other builds that have stolen your heart? Will we get a Leo Mythgard stream one day?

    One for all of you for non-pandemic times (although Leo might have got out of this one): who is the most likely to steal lunch out of the office fridge and who are they most likely to blame it on?

    The most difficult part about working remotely is the time difference (3h). Everyone on the team does a good job of keeping me in the loop and involved. But I've had some periods of awkward sleep schedules due to some late nights / early mornings.

    Haha yeah, I'm a big fan of Valks and more themed decks like canines and vampires. Other than that I enjoy combo decks and I have a special love for War Fan :-)
