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Daily Discussion: What QOL improvements (compared with other CCGs) do you most appreciate in Mythgard?

Hey everyone,

Today, let’s take a moment to consider all the awesome little QOL (Quality of Life) features Mythgard has that some/most others do not. Here are a few of mine:

-Guaranteed coin/XP/MAAT even when you lose. In almost every other game I’ve played, rewards are largely (if not entirely) win-based. This is frustrating when time is limited or I want to experiment / play slower decks.

-Ability to complete quests PvE. This is a BIG one. I have some triggering memories of spending hours trying to complete dumb quests in other games because I had to play against RL opponents, most of whom played better decks that didn’t face my quest’s restrictions. In MG, I can queue up Brawl to do quests faster if I like. Very nice for those of us with ladder anxiety as well.

-Day One cross-platform support. This was huge for me as I am a working father of 2 wee ones and spend 2 hours on public transport every day.

-Quick and easy zoom in on full-portrait art at any time. I was always baffled by how other card games seemed to minimize their best art except in external wallpapers and such. This game takes one of its most immediately appealing assets (visuals) and pushes them to the front.

There are definitely more but I’ll stop.

Also. 1500 subscribers soon W00t!!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    This is a great feature and I sure love it, but MtGA has done it still a little bit better. Hope they also add stuff like showing yourself what cards opponent has seen, allowing you to see your top deck if it's known info etc.

    The eye icon in the upper right indicates a card that’s revealed to your opponent. You can mouse over your deck to see the top card if it’s been revealed, or right (double) click or mouse wheel on your deck to see the top cards if more than one are known.
