
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Patch Notes v0.16.2

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Will all cards be made available as portraits? When can I use my best girl Night Hag as a portrait?

    No. Some of the art is created in a way that makes it relatively easy to make jnto portraits, others are not because the artist simply doesnt work that way.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    is MMR hidden in mythgard? Also, what do the values between two player's names in the 'Action' tab of ranked mean?

    i.e Player 1 15.0 > Player 2

    I notice the arrow points to the winning player but I can't figure out the numbers.

    It’s how many ranked points the winner received for the game.
