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Lore questions about prominent factions

I was wondering if the established players (and Discord regulars) could possibly answer some lore questions I have?

Q1. Are the Valkyrie and Einherjar connected? Only the Rider of Edda and general Norse mythology suggest they should be, but nothing else seems to point to it & if a biker gang were raising the dead it would seem like something worth remarking on!

Q2. Are there many breeds/lineages of vampire in Mythos, of which Strigoi are just the bestial archetype (ala Warhammer's Strigoi or WoD's Nosferatu)? Strigoi Pureblood would still be the odd man out, but just trying to reconcile Lord Valentine and the Lamai vs all the monstrous vamps - plus it would seem a cul-de-sac artistically & thematically if future vampires are 90% ghoulish.

Q3. Are the Parsa & Xerxian factions exclusively female, as they appear to be aside from the Lavish Proxy android? It would seem there are still men in desert regions (e.g. Mirage, Thieves Bazaar), so curious if any reason has been given.

Q4. Are there any coherent factions within purple e.g. someone behind the constructs or avatars?

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    The grunts are Women in Parsa... but the power lies with a lot of men:

    • Halcyon Decree - addressing the masses
    • Mandatory Vigor - Binding of an Angel
    • Lavish Proxy is a man of incredible wealth and power

    The Lavish Proxy is actually just a construct body used by the Empress or other royals for hedonistic purposes.
