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Do we know how f2p-friendly Mythgard will be?


first of, let me start by saying that this post isn't about me never wanting to spend money.

In fact, I regularly spend money in f2p games but what it comes down to me is that I'd like to incentivized to spend money but not be forced because you are so heavily gated off that you basically need to spend money.

My 2 prime examples are Eternal and MTG Arena. I play both and I spend roughly 30 bucks in MTG Arena but probably around 250$ in Eternal, because Eternal has a very fair and probably the best f2p system in the CCG market, so I gladly will spend money while MTG Arena is basically the opposite, especially currently with the changes planned in historic.

I'd like to branch out and try Mythgard but if monetzitation will be as bad as arena then I personally won't be playing for long.

So, do we know more?

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    (Note that the game is still currently in Alpha, soon Beta, and thus numbers and systems are subject to change)

    With the game's current economy:

    • There is no limit to the number of coins a player can acquire in a day.
    • Every day, you can earn up to 3 random cards just by winning games, even in single player, and these cards can be Rare or even Mythic, though I'm not sure about Wild or Prestige.
    • Speaking of Wild or Prestige, in packs each card has a 14% chance to "upgrade" into a wild or prestige card, which is pretty high IMO.
    • Also, each pack guarantees 3 commons, 2 uncommons and 1 Rare, with a 10% chance for the Rare to upgrade to a Mythic card.
    • I believe the devs have mentioned a "bad luck bias" for Mythics in packs, which I think means there is some kind of "pity timer", which Hearthstone players will be quite familiar with.
    • There are guaranteed non-duplicate mythics from packs.
    • There is a crafting ratio of 5:1 for all rarities except Mythic, which is 4:1. Prestige cards cost double to craft, and about the same to upgrade.
    • Your starting collection is 120 cards, 20 cards for each faction.
    • The story mode gives you additional cards and coins the first time you complete a mission, giving you a total of 54 extra cards including packs bought with said coins.
    • Daily missions average 700 coins, which is slightly better than 1/2 a pack per day.
    • There are achievements, level and ranked rewards that give you more coins and packs, though each can only be claimed once.
    • There is a weekly chest, which you can open once per week provided you collect 5 seals. There's a 33% chance to get a seal with a 1v1 PvP win (including arena), 50% chance to get a seal with a 2v2 PvP win, 10% chance to get a seal with a 1v1 PvE win (not including gauntlet), and up to 100% chance to get a seal in gauntlet depending on how many wins you get. The chest gives you ~1200 coins and a core pack, which basically means 2 packs.
    • There is a bonus pool of coins that gives you bonus coins for wins, with a dedicated PvP pool of 400 coins, meaning if you win 10 PvP games in one day, you get 1200 coins, enough for a pack.
    • Winning against the AI still gives you 50 coins with the bonus, though, so you still get rewarded for playing PvE.
    • After a win, there is a small chance to get a Path or Power you don't currently own.
    • Gauntlet costs nothing to enter and gives you coins based on your number of victories. At 9 wins, you get 450 coins and a guaranteed seal, which as established above is worth ~480 coins, for a total of 930 coins.

    Overall, Mythgard is fairly player-biased in terms of its economy, so you should never feel like you have to spend just to get cards, but hopefully you'll feel like you want to spend just a bit of money to either kick-start or finish your collection.

    And the devs seem to be quite good at listening to their players, who will obviously always be pushing to make the game cheaper, especially where they think it's unfair. The discord is full of people who like to analyse the relative value of packs, rewards, prestige upgrades, etc, so the economy should always be fair and healthy. In fact, the reason the Mythic crafting ratio is 4:1 now is because the players spoke out about how unfair a 5:1 ratio was.

    I'd like to add another correction. About 14% of packs will contain a wild card and about 14% of packs will contain a prestige card. That's different than if every card had a 14% chance of upgrading to a wild card or a prestige card. The end result is that if you open 70 packs, the expected returns are roughly 10 wild cards, 10 prestige cards, and 7 mythics (YMMV due to RNG).

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    (Note that the game is still currently in Alpha, soon Beta, and thus numbers and systems are subject to change)

    With the game's current economy:

    • There is no limit to the number of coins a player can acquire in a day.
    • Every day, you can earn up to 3 random cards just by winning games, even in single player, and these cards can be Rare or even Mythic, though I'm not sure about Wild or Prestige.
    • Speaking of Wild or Prestige, in packs each card has a 14% chance to "upgrade" into a wild or prestige card, which is pretty high IMO.
    • Also, each pack guarantees 3 commons, 2 uncommons and 1 Rare, with a 10% chance for the Rare to upgrade to a Mythic card.
    • I believe the devs have mentioned a "bad luck bias" for Mythics in packs, which I think means there is some kind of "pity timer", which Hearthstone players will be quite familiar with.
    • There are guaranteed non-duplicate mythics from packs.
    • There is a crafting ratio of 5:1 for all rarities except Mythic, which is 4:1. Prestige cards cost double to craft, and about the same to upgrade.
    • Your starting collection is 120 cards, 20 cards for each faction.
    • The story mode gives you additional cards and coins the first time you complete a mission, giving you a total of 54 extra cards including packs bought with said coins.
    • Daily missions average 700 coins, which is slightly better than 1/2 a pack per day.
    • There are achievements, level and ranked rewards that give you more coins and packs, though each can only be claimed once.
    • There is a weekly chest, which you can open once per week provided you collect 5 seals. There's a 33% chance to get a seal with a 1v1 PvP win (including arena), 50% chance to get a seal with a 2v2 PvP win, 10% chance to get a seal with a 1v1 PvE win (not including gauntlet), and up to 100% chance to get a seal in gauntlet depending on how many wins you get. The chest gives you ~1200 coins and a core pack, which basically means 2 packs.
    • There is a bonus pool of coins that gives you bonus coins for wins, with a dedicated PvP pool of 400 coins, meaning if you win 10 PvP games in one day, you get 1200 coins, enough for a pack.
    • Winning against the AI still gives you 50 coins with the bonus, though, so you still get rewarded for playing PvE.
    • After a win, there is a small chance to get a Path or Power you don't currently own.
    • Gauntlet costs nothing to enter and gives you coins based on your number of victories. At 9 wins, you get 450 coins and a guaranteed seal, which as established above is worth ~480 coins, for a total of 930 coins.

    Overall, Mythgard is fairly player-biased in terms of its economy, so you should never feel like you have to spend just to get cards, but hopefully you'll feel like you want to spend just a bit of money to either kick-start or finish your collection.

    And the devs seem to be quite good at listening to their players, who will obviously always be pushing to make the game cheaper, especially where they think it's unfair. The discord is full of people who like to analyse the relative value of packs, rewards, prestige upgrades, etc, so the economy should always be fair and healthy. In fact, the reason the Mythic crafting ratio is 4:1 now is because the players spoke out about how unfair a 5:1 ratio was.

    I'd like to add another correction. About 14% of packs will contain a wild card and about 14% of packs will contain a prestige card. That's different than if every card had a 14% chance of upgrading to a wild card or a prestige card. The end result is that if you open 70 packs, the expected returns are roughly 10 wild cards, 10 prestige cards, and 7 mythics (YMMV due to RNG).
