
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Some feedback on the new player experience (warning, long read)

Hey all!

Another long time CCG player here with commentary. A few of my friends have recently posted feedback, so I thought I'd follow suit since it was so well received (Go Devs!). My feedback is mostly aimed at the new player experience, as a good chunk of the other things I'd comment on have been in other posts. Unfortunately, the amount I wrote is too long for a reddit thread, so I've gone ahead and put it in a google document instead. Hopefully that works for you guys =).

Thanks for taking the time to read!


  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Thanks so much for the feedback Kit, it translates into a nice set of action items - some of which were on the todo list already, and some of which are new, but all of them are appreciated. Getting specific feedback on the NPE is especially helpful because it’s not something that those of us who’ve worked on and played the game since the beginning can ever truly relive.

    The fact that you and several others here took the time to write up your thoughts when you could’ve easily shrugged and gone back to playing your other games is not only super valuable, but it’s also incredibly heartening to the team, so thank you also for making it a brighter day for us as well as contributing to the improvement of the game!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Thanks so much for the feedback Kit, it translates into a nice set of action items - some of which were on the todo list already, and some of which are new, but all of them are appreciated. Getting specific feedback on the NPE is especially helpful because it’s not something that those of us who’ve worked on and played the game since the beginning can ever truly relive.

    The fact that you and several others here took the time to write up your thoughts when you could’ve easily shrugged and gone back to playing your other games is not only super valuable, but it’s also incredibly heartening to the team, so thank you also for making it a brighter day for us as well as contributing to the improvement of the game!
