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[DECKLIST] Critique my deck?

So, I made this deck using only the starter cards and the cards I got from the 10 free packs and 1 quest pack.

Cairnhenge x2

Freki Scout x3

Berserkr Sickness

Demolition Speedway

Eir Healing x2

Forked Lightning x2

Ice Spike

Valkyrie Tough x2

Godsblud Transfusion x2


Tailroot x2

Golden Axolotl

Magpyre Commando x3

Nazca Memorial

Beimeni Falls x2

Laser Grid

Striking Viper x4

The Yana Virus x2

Venomfang Mutant

Magpyre Squad Leader x3

Security Phalanx x2


How could I improve this deck?

Well, tons of ways, really. For one, some more synergy wouldn't be a bad idea. Adding more enchantments seems fitting. I'm also not sure if there are any cards that do things when burned, but if so, I should focus more on getting 4x Axolotl. Enchanted lands also seem to be powerful for this sort of deck. I could also use more removal spells.

Other ideas might be to cut Nazca Memorial as it's really just taking space. Also a big fan of the blight mechanic and need to find better ways to expose that.

Anyways, these are really just some general thoughts I had on improving the decks. I'd love some feedback!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Welcome to Mythgard! Thanks for taking the time to post this. I highly recommend playing through the story and picking up Misanthropia, Ollama Ring, and Yahui, all of which would help your deck quite a lot.

    I agree with you about Axolotl, though I dislike playing 4 due to how bad they are as late draws, and Nazca Memorial which I still havent found a good use for.

  • rhinophu

    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Welcome to Mythgard! Thanks for taking the time to post this. I highly recommend playing through the story and picking up Misanthropia, Ollama Ring, and Yahui, all of which would help your deck quite a lot.

    I agree with you about Axolotl, though I dislike playing 4 due to how bad they are as late draws, and Nazca Memorial which I still havent found a good use for.
