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Rhino Games update for 8/25

Hey all! We're hard at work on the September major release. Some of the major features that are either complete or well underway and likely to make it into the upcoming release include:

  • Main Menu redesign (not just a visual update - we're reducing the nested-ness of the menu so there's less backtracking to get to where you want to go).
  • Payments for iOS and Android.
  • Starter Pack
  • Redemption Codes
  • New Path (Fires of Creation)
  • New Powers (Reanimate & Foresight) - These will be the final two powers for the Alpha.
  • Card Wheel overhaul (the UI for looking at boneyards, picking cards for divination, etc)
  • Better visual indicators for "burnt" cards
  • Spectator mode (watch games live / hand cards hidden)
  • Friends list
  • Slayer will be symmetric (apply on defense)
  • Warded will no longer protect against banish effects
  • The usual bug fixes and balance tweaks
  • We also have a couple stray cards in the existing factions that we're considering pushing this patch.



Some of the longer-term projects that are either in-progress or in the design/concept stage (and slated for future release) include:

  • We're expecting delivery of our console SDKs in the next couple of weeks and can't wait to get started!
  • Orange Faction is rapidly coming to fruition. Our goal is to add another 70+ cards to the core set by the October release. All cards have been designed and are currently being implemented and illustrated!
  • The Eulysian Mysteries path (5 of 6) is in progress.
  • Voice-recording
  • Sfx
  • Twitch & Discord integration
  • Tournament mode
  • Guilds



Please keep in mind that this is still Alpha. We haven't yet put any effort into PR/marketing or attracting new players. If you want to invite people on your own initiative (perhaps just to get more people to play against :), please feel free.


Finally, thank you all so much for your support! Watching people play and enjoy our game is what keeps the team going!

  • rhinophu

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Please tell me that our progress will NOT be erased.

    Hi rookie30, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but as stated on the website, Mythgard is still in Alpha and we plan on wiping when we go to Beta. We'll hand out rewards to our testers based on participation and any purchased Mythril will be restored (along with a 10% bonus and our gratitude for your help in the making of this game).

  • rhinophu

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Please tell me that our progress will NOT be erased.

    Hi rookie30, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but as stated on the website, Mythgard is still in Alpha and we plan on wiping when we go to Beta. We'll hand out rewards to our testers based on participation and any purchased Mythril will be restored (along with a 10% bonus and our gratitude for your help in the making of this game).
