
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

What's up, Devs?

  • RhinoLeo

    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    I apologize for not posting this here. I was finishing up some last minute work and forgot about Reddit as I was posting to all our other media. My bad on this one!

    Update: Due to a critical bug that we didn't discover until late in the deployment, today's patch will be ~1 hr late.

  • RhinoLeo

    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    I apologize for not posting this here. I was finishing up some last minute work and forgot about Reddit as I was posting to all our other media. My bad on this one!

    Update: Due to a critical bug that we didn't discover until late in the deployment, today's patch will be ~1 hr late.

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