
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Observations after first week

I started this game a week ago after getting bored with Eternal, so I thought I would post my thoughts here after one week of play.

Gameplay - some really unique mechanics and strategies that come to life through the lane system, which I am really enjoying. It adds some depth to every decision that a lot of other games simply don't have. I really appreciate the fact that the game is focused on combat between minions (at least right now). This is especially true after playing Eternal for over a year, where every game seems to just be a targeted removal fest. The keywords are interesting, some of them new, which I am just learning, which leads me to my first tip - READ the opponents cards before you attack them :) Keep in mind that things like Armor and Alpha Strike are in play on both turns.

Economy - I am not completely FTP, having purchased the starter pack and spending about $15 on other packs. However, just this morning I completed a mono blue Valkyries deck that includes 4 mythics. One came from essence that I saved up, one from a random quest that gave me a free mythic of any color, one from the faction quests and one from a free pack. This deck is a perfectly viable ladder deck, at least in the current meta, and I will start branching out into another color this week (probably Orange since it seems to be the most widely useful, but haven't decided for sure yet). That seems to me to be very reasonable, and I should have nearly all staple mythics before the first expansion in a few months. I will probably even have time to start banking some resources for crafting in the next expansion.

Overall, the game seems to be completely FTP friendly. It isn't overly so, like Eternal, but I generally open 2 packs a day by completing quests. You get 3 free cards every day just by winning games against the AI.

Another point - be sure to keep track of your current faction quest. These are a great way to get free cards, and after completing your 8th you get to craft a mythic of that color. Thanks to u/IstariMithrandir for pointing this out to me, as well as giving me all sorts of other useful tips.

Most importantly, the game is FUN! I wouldn't hesitate to give it a try if you are on the fence, and I will definitely be recommending it to anyone I can. The card art is exceptional, and the overall quality of the production is the best I have experienced for a CCG in a mobile game. I have had no crashes, very few disconnects (all attributable to my wifi), the game runs very smoothly, and I have seen no bugs so far.

TL;DR - Game is great, FTP friendly, awesome on mobile. Start playing it.

  • RhinoLeo

    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Hey, thanks for this write-up! It is always nice to get the perspective of a new player joining Mythgard!

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