
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Are there any positives to map pools? Having 12 maps in a pool feels incredibly limited and I feel like I'm starting to get sick of seeing maps I used to really enjoy.

I think although it was never admitted, map pools were introduced due to the amount of leavers in Paris and how unenjoyable it was playing that map.

I used to absolutely love King's Row, it was my favourite map in the game by far, but I groan whenever I see it now as I feel like its alls I have played for the past 6 months, not only that, but it seems really common to sometimes play the same map twice in three games which makes it worse.

With hero pools also changing the meta weekly, wouldn't it be nice to try a variety of maps with different hero metas, instead of the same 12 for 2 months?

I really feel that the map pools either need to go and they just take maps they want to work on out of rotation (Paris maybe?), or instead, have a weekly map pool similar to hero pools. Having some of the worse maps in forced rotation for 2 months is also pretty painful.

I just desperately want to play on Ilios, Nepal & R66 without being forced not to for 2 months.

I also want to know what purpose map pools are supposed to be serving at the moment, it doesn't make the game feel fresh or different like hero pools are supposed to, it just makes it feel stale being forced to play the same small amount of maps on repeat.

  • Jeff Kaplan

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    we're making changes. scott is writing up a blog post about it. info in the next few weeks.

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