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When your opponent begins to Special Summon monster after monster, the card draw Maxx "C" provides keeps you in the game! Each draw brings you closer to cards that can interrupt your opponent, preventing them from gaining the upper hand. So tell me, when do you play Maxx “C”?

When your opponent begins to Special Summon monster after monster, the card draw Maxx "C" provides keeps you in the game! Each draw brings you closer to cards that can interrupt your opponent, preventing them from gaining the upper hand. So tell me, when do you play Maxx “C”?

  • YGOMasterDuel

    Posted 11 months, 2 weeks ago (Source)
    When your opponent begins to Special Summon monster after monster, the card draw Maxx "C" provides keeps you in the game! Each draw brings you closer to cards that can interrupt your opponent, preventing them from gaining the upper hand. So tell me, when do you play Maxx “C”?

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