Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Monkey Business

Monkey Business Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Summon a Powder Monkey. Plunder: Summon another at the next Round Start.


Plunder - A card triggers its plunder ability when played if you damaged the enemy Nexus this round.

Round Start - Get this effect when the round starts.

Slow - Slow spells can be cast outside of combat and other casting. The enemy can respond.

Flavor Text

"Aw... d'ye think they're cute? WELL, THEY'RE NOT. They get into everything, they're messier than a seasick courier, an' THEY WON'T BLOODY SHUT UP. NO MONKEYS ON THE SHIP. THAT'S THE END OF IT." - Petty Officer

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  • quintanbarnes's Avatar
    5 1 Posts Joined 04/25/2024
    Posted 5 months ago

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