Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Night and Shadows - Diana/Zed Aggro Elusive v2.0

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Aggro
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 30400
  • Your Cost 30400
Almaniarra's Avatar Registered User 0

First version is here;

I have completely give up Invoke package because it mostly slows you down. Going further with elusives always gives better results.

and now there is some Gem support because it is great with your elusive units and Mentor of the Stones is just a great card.

Gems also helps you activate Nightfalls and heals your leftover units on the battlefield. So I have added Gift Givers to the deck as well.

Windfarer HatchlingBADCARDNAME helps you push a bit more.

Against Aurelion Sol decks;

And lastly, even though Will of Ionia has been nerfed, There is no real answer to The Infinite Mindsplitter in this regions so it is the best option to hold right now. It is in the deck because with Elusive package, 1 more turn is so important to win against this big guy. Just wait until they drop it and use Will of Ionia onto The Infinite MidsplitterBADCARDNAME while you are able to attack next turn. Just be sure they don't have any leftover mana to drop it again in the same turn.

Don't hesitate to use Fae Guide's on other units than Zed or Diana aswell. 3/3 and/or more stats on an elusive unit is always threatening enough.

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