All the new Druid cards for Voyage to the Sunken City have been revealed and in this article we're going to discuss how they will impact Wild in general and any specific decks they can fit into.

Here is how the cards will be rated:

  • 5 stars means a card that can see a lot of play in meta defining and powerful decks
  • 4 stars means a card that can see some play in the best decks and a lot of play in slightly less competitive meta decks
  • 3 stars means a card that can see some play in less optimal meta decks or is good for some off meta decks
  • 2 stars means a card that can see play in any deck, even if it's a very niche or weak archetype
  • 1 star means a card that won't see any play at all


Colaque Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Colaque is not horrible as a standalone card - if you look at Colaque's Shell it saves you 16 hp through Armor and Taunt. However, there are no commonly played Druid decks that want to play him - Combo Druids have better options and Beast Druids usually have a low curve and are aggressive decks. The only deck that may want him is a niche version of Reno Druid.

Hedra the Heretic

Hedra the Heretic Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Hedra the Heretic is too slow and unnecessary for slower Druids with big spells, but may be a top end for Token Druid. Even there, it's slow but if the meta slows down a bit, it may be a nice option to refill the board even if with smaller 1-3 cost minions and a few 4 or 5 cost ones.

Seaweed Strike

Seaweed Strike Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Seaweed Strike is not good enough to see Wild play, there are better removal spells such as Lesser Jasper Spellstone that don't rely on having played a naga.


Bottomfeeder Card Image

Our Wild Rating

A simple card, but Bottomfeeder will see play in the current top meta deck Beast Druid which currently plays Dire Moles. The deck likes 1 mana 1/3 beasts and this can give an upside if you get it with the bonus stats with Aquatic Form.

Green-Thumb Gardener

Green-Thumb Gardener Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Green-Thumb Gardener may be good to refresh close to 10 mana crystals in decks that run high cost spells including Ultimate Infestation. However, it's not really needed for Wild decks which don't have problems with having enough mana to do their combos or power turns and a 0 mana 5/5 on turn 5 or 6 isn't that strong in the format. We doubt this will make the cut in competitive decks.

Dozing Kelpkeeper

Dozing Kelpkeeper Card Image

Our Wild Rating

If you play Dozing Kelpkeeper on turn 1, then play a 2 cost spell turn 2, and 3 cost spell turn 3, you will have this active on turn 3. Alternatively, you can activate it immediately on turn 6 with a 5 cost spell. It's really not that good in slower decks as a 1 mana deal 4 damage when you can upgrade Lesser Jasper Spellstone easily to deal 6. In faster decks, they run fewer spells so this may be inconsistent, so the only deck this may possibly go into is a mostly spell-based version of Token Druid.

Aquatic Form

Aquatic Form Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Aquatic Form will go into most Druid decks. It's good for the same reason Patches the Pirate is - it provides deck thinning in that in effect, you're playing with a 28 card deck instead of a 30 card deck which is really good for consistency. But in addition to being a 0 mana draw a card almost guaranteed if you play it at the right time, it also has the added bonus of being able to discover one of three cards. Overall, a very high quality card that fits into all Druid decks except very niche ones with a very high mana curve, like Astral Druid.

Miracle Growth

Miracle Growth Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Miracle Growth is really good for Druid decks that ramp and have high hand sizes, compared to Overflow it draws 2 less cards but a big Taunt is immediate board impact and helps you not lose tempo while drawing. Being a Taunt, this will be especially great for Taunt Druids with Hadronox.

Flipper Friends

Flipper Friends Card Image

Our Wild Rating

There is only one Wild deck that will even consider running Flipper Friends, and that is Untapped Potential Druid, a very niche archetype. If you're not interested in that deck, you shouldn't be interested in this card at all as Wild has better removal and board creation options.

Azsharan Gardens

Azsharan Gardens Card Image

Our Wild Rating

The reason Azsharan Gardens is not too good in Wild is that you need to use Aquatic Form to get it, otherwise it's kind of weak for aggro Druid decks. They have a better card in Embiggen that will take precedence for most decks. It's possible to run both, but compared to Handbuff Paladin Aggro Druid doesn't often have high hand sizes early game so this is not worth to run due to its low impact in the early game unless you happen to also get Aquatic Form early.

Overall Set Score

Sunken City Wild Druid

We think Druid in Wild will have a big impact from this set, mainly due to the power of Bottomfeeder which slots into an existing top Druid deck in Beast Druid but more from the sheer power of Aquatic Form in Druid decks of all archetypes.

What do you think about the new Druid cards and how they'll do in the Wild format? Let us know in the comments below!

More Wild Reviews for Voyage to the Sunken City

We've been hard at work preparing additional insights into the new Voyage to the Sunken City cards with a Wild spin. Check out all the classes released so far down below.

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