We've got a boat load of post-expansion balance changes coming, primarily in the form of buffs, and a change to the Death Knight class which Blizzard says will be a "general rules/system change". We don't have all the details yet, those are to come on Thursday (thanks announcement of announcement), but we do have a list of the cards that will be receiving changes!

Card Nerfs Coming

Three cards are set to receive nerfs.

Card Buffs Coming

A total of 25 cards will be receiving buffs. Overall, Warrior is set to receive the most of the buffs with a total of 7 cards being buffed, or slightly more than a quarter of the buffs.

Legendary Card Buffs

Epic Card Buffs

Rare Card Buffs

Common Card Buffs

Death Knight Class Nerf

The Death Knight class as a whole is going to be receiving a change to their core rules. This will make the class weaker and solve negative experiences players are having with the class.

Quote From Nicholas Weiss

The Death Knight symbol is because there’s a general rules/system change coming for Death Knight, that will generally make it weaker and curb some negative play experiences. Details on Thursday.