Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

[Custom LoR Set] Honor in Vainglory

Submitted 3 years, 1 month ago by

Honor in Vainglory Custom Set by FenrirWulf

9 Champions, 12 Cards from each region (Without tokens)

Small notice: I realized that the visuals are too big so now the card texts are too blurry. Sorry about that... You can try to open the image on a new tab if you want to inspect it closely.

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I was a bit bored with the current meta of LoR and decided to invest my time away from Legends of Runeterra, but remain working on something similar to it. With that, I decided to try my hands at creating custom cards. This is my first ever made custom set for Legends of Runeterra. However, unlike others who may have tried to design it based on non-existing regions or champions in the game, I decided to go for another thing entirely.

Why not just base it on another game that's similar to League of Legends?

I was inspired a bit by linkblade91's post about custom champions proposal. At first, I wanted to share my thoughts about a potential proposal, but as I pondered about it, I decided to do it myself instead. (Link to his post if you haven't checked it out: https://outof.cards/forums/fan-creations/custom-runeterra/10235-i-want-your-custom-champion-proposals)

You're all probably wondering: What game is it from anyways?

Introducing Vainglory!

A mobile MOBA made by Super Evil Mega Corporation. Released in 2014, it is heavily inspired by League of Legends and DOTA, which takes its own spin on the genre. They have incredibly smooth tap controls for mobile standards, and primarily focused on a 3v3 mode during its prime that incentivizes teamwork, whereas other mobile MOBAs that you’d see nowadays would typically do joystick controls and have 5v5 as their main mode. (God, I swear this isn't an ad. I just like the game.)

Since all of the following champions you’re going to see are from Vainglory, I will try my best to summarize their in-game kits and lore and hopefully you'll understand my design decisions.

Piltover & Zaun

 Skye is an elusive Sniper who specializes in dancing around her enemies using her agile mechanized armor and her exceptional piloting skills while shredding them with her advanced weaponry. Enemies marked by her attacks will find themselves at the mercy of her combined maneuverability and destructiveness.

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Idris is a flexible and adaptive Assassin/Sniper who is able to switch between melee or ranged attack depending on the path he chose. His agility allows him to float at the edge of combat or dive right into the enemy backlines while artfully tearing up his enemies with his spear and chakram. Ever-elusive, he constantly shimmers between incorporeality and physical forms, making him tough to catch.

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Blackfeather is a brave and bold Duelist able to topple even the greatest foes with his sharpened blade and irresistible charm. His brazen nature is complemented by his thirst for insurmountable duels and skills to back up his confidence. However, his flaunting arrogance tends to lead to unfavorable outcomes.

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Lance is a headstrong Defender who resolutely shields his allies away from danger. His gilded armor and combat expertise combined allows him to survive combat after combat without batting an eye. Yet he does not lack emphasis on offense, as his trusty lance strikes at the enemy formation.

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Glaive is a bloodthirsty Brawler who relies heavily on his sense of smell. His rocket-powered glaive makes sure that his enemies don't get out of his sight… uhh smell. Fierce and domineering, he capitalizes on the slightest hint of weakness from his enemies, setting them up for inevitable doom.

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Phinn is both the unstoppable force and the immovable object fitting for his role as a Support. His perseverance and indomitable will makes him a much more annoying foe to fight than most. Harmless he may appear at first glance, but the anchor he carries around can turn the tides of battle as he can literally pull the fight towards him from unsuspecting locations.

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Shadow Isles

Churnwalker is the boogeyman of the twisted mists called the Churn. As a Support, he hooks and chains people, sharing their suffering amongst one another and invigorating himself through it. His presence inspires palpable fear, and his incoherent ramblings mark his identity as a madman that is no longer human, but as a creature that should not be trifled with, l’est they plunge headfirst into endless torment.

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Celeste is a Mage who can will the stars to existence or shape them by her design. She commands the flow of the battle by continuously casting her spells, raining stars on foes from a safe distance. To add insult to injury, recasting stars on existing ones causes them to explode, solidifying her limitless potential to control the battlefield, leading her foes towards an inescapable fate.

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Reim is a defensive Mage/Brawler who manipulates ice to slow down his opponents. It’s hard to surmise him as a frail old man when his overpowering chilling strength is no laughing matter. Just like the everlasting winter, he outlasts them in the cold, as the encroaching frost creeps up onto his enemies, leading them to their slow but sure death.

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All the card arts here are from their game itself and their game website except for one which I deliberately had to take from a fanart as there was no other appropriate art for it. (Credits to that specific art here: https://kasiaslupecka.artstation.com/projects/n8Oo9)

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Honor in Vainglory Custom Set by FenrirWulf

    9 Champions, 12 Cards from each region (Without tokens)

    Small notice: I realized that the visuals are too big so now the card texts are too blurry. Sorry about that... You can try to open the image on a new tab if you want to inspect it closely.

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    I was a bit bored with the current meta of LoR and decided to invest my time away from Legends of Runeterra, but remain working on something similar to it. With that, I decided to try my hands at creating custom cards. This is my first ever made custom set for Legends of Runeterra. However, unlike others who may have tried to design it based on non-existing regions or champions in the game, I decided to go for another thing entirely.

    Why not just base it on another game that's similar to League of Legends?

    I was inspired a bit by linkblade91's post about custom champions proposal. At first, I wanted to share my thoughts about a potential proposal, but as I pondered about it, I decided to do it myself instead. (Link to his post if you haven't checked it out: https://outof.cards/forums/fan-creations/custom-runeterra/10235-i-want-your-custom-champion-proposals)

    You're all probably wondering: What game is it from anyways?

    Introducing Vainglory!

    A mobile MOBA made by Super Evil Mega Corporation. Released in 2014, it is heavily inspired by League of Legends and DOTA, which takes its own spin on the genre. They have incredibly smooth tap controls for mobile standards, and primarily focused on a 3v3 mode during its prime that incentivizes teamwork, whereas other mobile MOBAs that you’d see nowadays would typically do joystick controls and have 5v5 as their main mode. (God, I swear this isn't an ad. I just like the game.)

    Since all of the following champions you’re going to see are from Vainglory, I will try my best to summarize their in-game kits and lore and hopefully you'll understand my design decisions.

    Piltover & Zaun

     Skye is an elusive Sniper who specializes in dancing around her enemies using her agile mechanized armor and her exceptional piloting skills while shredding them with her advanced weaponry. Enemies marked by her attacks will find themselves at the mercy of her combined maneuverability and destructiveness.

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    Idris is a flexible and adaptive Assassin/Sniper who is able to switch between melee or ranged attack depending on the path he chose. His agility allows him to float at the edge of combat or dive right into the enemy backlines while artfully tearing up his enemies with his spear and chakram. Ever-elusive, he constantly shimmers between incorporeality and physical forms, making him tough to catch.

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    Blackfeather is a brave and bold Duelist able to topple even the greatest foes with his sharpened blade and irresistible charm. His brazen nature is complemented by his thirst for insurmountable duels and skills to back up his confidence. However, his flaunting arrogance tends to lead to unfavorable outcomes.

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    Lance is a headstrong Defender who resolutely shields his allies away from danger. His gilded armor and combat expertise combined allows him to survive combat after combat without batting an eye. Yet he does not lack emphasis on offense, as his trusty lance strikes at the enemy formation.

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    Glaive is a bloodthirsty Brawler who relies heavily on his sense of smell. His rocket-powered glaive makes sure that his enemies don't get out of his sight… uhh smell. Fierce and domineering, he capitalizes on the slightest hint of weakness from his enemies, setting them up for inevitable doom.

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    Phinn is both the unstoppable force and the immovable object fitting for his role as a Support. His perseverance and indomitable will makes him a much more annoying foe to fight than most. Harmless he may appear at first glance, but the anchor he carries around can turn the tides of battle as he can literally pull the fight towards him from unsuspecting locations.

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    Shadow Isles

    Churnwalker is the boogeyman of the twisted mists called the Churn. As a Support, he hooks and chains people, sharing their suffering amongst one another and invigorating himself through it. His presence inspires palpable fear, and his incoherent ramblings mark his identity as a madman that is no longer human, but as a creature that should not be trifled with, l’est they plunge headfirst into endless torment.

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    Celeste is a Mage who can will the stars to existence or shape them by her design. She commands the flow of the battle by continuously casting her spells, raining stars on foes from a safe distance. To add insult to injury, recasting stars on existing ones causes them to explode, solidifying her limitless potential to control the battlefield, leading her foes towards an inescapable fate.

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    Reim is a defensive Mage/Brawler who manipulates ice to slow down his opponents. It’s hard to surmise him as a frail old man when his overpowering chilling strength is no laughing matter. Just like the everlasting winter, he outlasts them in the cold, as the encroaching frost creeps up onto his enemies, leading them to their slow but sure death.

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    All the card arts here are from their game itself and their game website except for one which I deliberately had to take from a fanart as there was no other appropriate art for it. (Credits to that specific art here: https://kasiaslupecka.artstation.com/projects/n8Oo9)

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

  • Danasko's Avatar
    20 1 Posts Joined 07/05/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    This set is amazing! I would love to see more of these kinds of posts in the future! A ton of fun to look at and I appreciate the effort that was put into making this! My favourites are Skye and Celeste but they're all really good!

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago
    Quote From Danasko

    This set is amazing! I would love to see more of these kinds of posts in the future! A ton of fun to look at and I appreciate the effort that was put into making this! My favourites are Skye and Celeste but they're all really good!

    Thank you very much! I'm planning to add more since there's a bunch of heroes I can still use but it doesn't seem like I have the time right now with how much fun LoR is right now. I'm also hoping that the next mini expansion that is in two weeks would drop first so I can see what works and what doesn't before I start designing the next batch.

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

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