Marvel Snap Realm

Marvel Snap

4 Characters

Marvel Snap Cards

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Elektra Card ImageOn Reveal: Destroy a random enemy 1-Cost card at this location. Elsa Bloodstone Card ImageAt the end of each turn, if you are winning this location, +1 Power. Enchantress Card ImageOn Reveal: Remove the abilities from all Ongoing cards at this location. Falcon Card ImageOn Reveal: Return your 1-Cost cards to your hand. Forge Card ImageOn Reveal: Give the next card you play +2 Power. Galactus Card ImageOn Reveal: If you're winning this location and this is your only card here, destroy all other locations. Gambit Card ImageDiscard a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card. Gamora Card ImageOn Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +5 Power. Ghost Card ImageOngoing: Your cards are always revealed last. (Their On Reveal abilities happen last.) Ghost Rider Card ImageOn Reveal: Bring back one of your discarded cards (to this location). Ghost-Spider Card ImageOn Reveal: The last card you played moves here. Giganto Card ImageYou can only play this at the left location. Goose Card ImageOngoing: Nobody can play 4, 5 or 6-Cost cards at this location. Green Goblin Card ImageOn Reveal: Your opponent gains control of this. Groot Card ImageOn Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +3 Power. Hawkeye Card ImageOn Reveal: If you play a card here next turn, +2 Power. Hazmat Card ImageOn Reveal: Give all other cards -1 Power. Heimdall Card ImageOn Reveal: Move your other cards one location to the left. Hela Card ImageOn Reveal: Play all cards you discarded from your hand to random locations. Helicarrier Card ImageWhen you discard this from your hand, add 3 random cards to your hand. Hell Cow Card ImageOn Reveal: Discard 2 cards from your hand. Hellcow Card ImageOn Reveal: Discard 2 cards from your hand. High Evolutionary Card ImageAt the start of the game, unlock the potential of your cards with no abilities. Hit Monkey Card ImageOn Reveal: Gain +2 Power for each other card you played this turn. Hobgoblin Card ImageOn Reveal: Your opponent gains control of this. Howard the Duck Card ImageOngoing: Tap this to see the top card of your deck. Hulk Card Image Hulk Buster Card ImageOn Reveal: Merge this card with a random friendy card at this location. Human Torch Card ImageWhen this moves, double its Power. Iceman Card ImageOn Reveal: Give a random card in your opponent’s hand +1 Cost. (Maximum 6). Invisible Woman Card ImageOngoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends. Iron Fist Card ImageOn Reveal: Move the next card you play one location to the left after it reveals.