Marvel Snap Cards
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On Reveal: Put the bottom card of your opponent’s deck into your hand.
Ongoing: Your other cards at this location have +1 Power.
After the final turn, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible)
On Reveal: Destroy your other cards here. +2 Power for each destroyed.
Ongoing: Your highest power cards have +2 Power.
On Reveal: Next turn, both players can move cards to this location.
On Reveal: Discard the lowest-cost card from your hand.
Ongoing: Can’t be destroyed, moved, or have its power reduced.
Ongoing: On Reveal Abilities won’t happen at this location.
You can only play this at locations where you are winning.
On Reveal: Each player draws a card.
When this moves to a location, +2 Power for each card your opponent has there.
On Reveal: Add the Muramasa Shard to your hand.
On turn 5, you get to see your opponent's plays before you make your own.
Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent's deck.
Ongoing: +2 Power for each location that's full on your side.
When this card is destroyed, return it to your hand with double the power.
Cost 1 less for each card destroyed this game.
On Reveal: Destroy your other cards at this location.
On Reveal: Add a Rock to each other location, for both players.
No Ability
On Reveal: Destroy your other cards.
Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your hand.
On Reveal: Add a 4-Power Doombot to each other location.
On Reveal: Pull 4 random cards from your opponent’s hand to their side of this location.
On Reveal: Move your highest-Power card(s) to this location.
You always draw this card on turn 2, and not before.
After the final turn, discard a card from your hand. This has its Power.
On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +2 Power. [4/6]
You can’t play this after turn 3. Ongoing: You can’t play cards here.
After your opponent plays an Ongoing card here, remove its abilities.