Scholomance set pre-order statistics

Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by

Hello there guys, I took some time to analyze all the cards I got from my early pack opening and I wanted to share it with you guys. While I didn't get that many legendary cards, I got a nice amount of golden cards from the non-golden packs.

Number of packs opened: 142 (137 normal + 5 golden)


Total number of cards

Common: 472

Rare: 146

Epic: 35

Legendary: 6

Golden Common: 30

Golden Rare: 18

Golden Epic: 3

Golden Legendary: 0


Completion percentage

Common: 104/104 => 100%

Rare: 68/68 => 100%

Epic: 35/44 => 79.54%

Legendary: 6/25 => 24%

Golden Common: 30/104 => 28.84%

Golden Rare: 18/68 => 26.47%

Golden Epic: 3/44 => 6.81%

Golden Legendary: 0/25 => 0%


Collection status

Common: All cards

Rare: All cards

Missing epics: Secret Passage

One copy only epics: Ancient Void Hound, Runic CarvingsDevolving Missiles (golden), Void Drinker

Two copies epics (normal + golden): Guardian Animals, Flesh Giant

Legendary: Jandice Barov, Mozaki, Master Duelist, Turalyon, the Tenured, Archwitch Willow, Headmaster Kel'Thuzad, Keymaster Alabaster



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  • DreadKill's Avatar
    Duskrider 220 28 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hello there guys, I took some time to analyze all the cards I got from my early pack opening and I wanted to share it with you guys. While I didn't get that many legendary cards, I got a nice amount of golden cards from the non-golden packs.

    Number of packs opened: 142 (137 normal + 5 golden)


    Total number of cards

    Common: 472

    Rare: 146

    Epic: 35

    Legendary: 6

    Golden Common: 30

    Golden Rare: 18

    Golden Epic: 3

    Golden Legendary: 0


    Completion percentage

    Common: 104/104 => 100%

    Rare: 68/68 => 100%

    Epic: 35/44 => 79.54%

    Legendary: 6/25 => 24%

    Golden Common: 30/104 => 28.84%

    Golden Rare: 18/68 => 26.47%

    Golden Epic: 3/44 => 6.81%

    Golden Legendary: 0/25 => 0%


    Collection status

    Common: All cards

    Rare: All cards

    Missing epics: Secret Passage

    One copy only epics: Ancient Void Hound, Runic CarvingsDevolving Missiles (golden), Void Drinker

    Two copies epics (normal + golden): Guardian Animals, Flesh Giant

    Legendary: Jandice Barov, Mozaki, Master Duelist, Turalyon, the Tenured, Archwitch Willow, Headmaster Kel'Thuzad, Keymaster Alabaster



    Feel free to share your opinions and statistics!

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I love reading these threads.

    Didn't count the epics and goldens, since it's harder to count with dual-class cards being on both pages, but there were plenty. 

    Legendaries, 3 golden (2 of which came from a single golden pack :) ) and 5 normal in 140 packs. So, below average count for normal legs, but overall I'm happy.

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