toxic players
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
thought LoR is a place where players can't be f**** a****, however it becomes for whatever brainless reasons more and more popular, that players wait each and every round until time (nearly) runs out to make you quit. they won't be automatically marked as "toxic/afk" because they don't wait until time completely runs out to make their play. I understand in some rounds you need time to go through all the options, but not EVERY ROUND!
we need an option to report those players ingame. i play unranked and experience those situations at least twice a week, can't imagine how hard it is to deal with such idiots in ranked....
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thought LoR is a place where players can't be f**** a****, however it becomes for whatever brainless reasons more and more popular, that players wait each and every round until time (nearly) runs out to make you quit. they won't be automatically marked as "toxic/afk" because they don't wait until time completely runs out to make their play. I understand in some rounds you need time to go through all the options, but not EVERY ROUND!
we need an option to report those players ingame. i play unranked and experience those situations at least twice a week, can't imagine how hard it is to deal with such idiots in ranked....
In HS this does not happen often to me but it helps to rope them back
It doesn't occur often but yeah, it is a nuisance when it happens. Specially annoying when rage quit without conceding.
I've said it once when i was playing Hearthstone so i'll repeat it here: Card games could use a Time Bank system.
Some ideas:
- 10s/Turn + 60s Time bank;
- Every time a player acts in less then 10s he adds (10s - Time expended on that turn) to his Time Bank;
- Time should be halved when iddle;
- Card effects must not consume any time.
- Auto-concede by default everytime the user closes his client. (Crashes and disconnects do not count)
Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat ->
Personally I wouldn't recommend that. I tried that trick once and it didn't stop the roper from roping me. Seeing, that I was going to waste too much time in that game, I continued playing normally, while the opponent still roped. I lost like 20-30 minutes needlessly (and I am not talking about the duration of the game itself).
This is one area that HS is actually better than LoR. HS rope is not much different than LoR if the person is roping to be toxic, but at least it doesn't give an afker 15 goddamn bonus trolling seconds every Fskin PLAY!!! We def need shorter play rounds in this game. No one should need so much time per turn, and when the bar is gone, you get no more plays. Also, remove the option for autopass. This needs to be automatic and mandatory. If you have no plays, the game passes the round.
Confession time: I have been know to, after my opponent makes a game-swinging play and decides to celebrate by sending multiple Braum emotes, decide that that is the time for me to make an impromptu mid-game bathroom trip. O:-)
He asked for it.
Interesting because of Jynx quote when the player is iddle: "Are you pooping?"
Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat ->
I don't like that idea, mostly because of cards like Thernogenic Beam. When you have 0 mana left and thst card in your hand, the game won't skip automatically because you could play it for 0.
Since it is one of very few cards that cost 0 you basically tell your opponent that you have this card in your hand.
I played Magic for many years. Sometimes players took like 10 minutes to decide wether to play that one card or another. I think the waiting time in LoR isn't that big of a problem.
But LoR could work just as fine if turns were only 60-80% as long. Thinking fast is a skill too, isn't it?
It's more than just that--e.g. if I have 1 mana and was playing Frejlord, then you could tell whether or not I had an Elixir of Iron and/or Brittle Steel in hand. But this is just an implementation issue--it's easy enough to make it so auto-pass waits ~1 second so to imitate a human. Heck--you could even make it randomize between 0.5 and 3.0 seconds statistically weighted around 1.0 if you're worried about it becoming too recognizable.
I have been seeing that more often too. It normally happens when they go all in on some game winning play and you counter it with something you obviously saved just for that play or just get lucky and top deck the perfect card for it.
Then they get salty that you out played them and stall the win as long as possible to annoy you.
"Love thy neighbor as thyself." - Mark 12:31
"So I should want to put a bullet in their head? Got it."
Sometimes i pass my turn real fast with 1-3 mana left hoping my opponent will mistake it for an auto-pass.
Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat ->
I don't abuse the timer myself, but I actually love that it sends impatient people into fits of screaming baby-rage.
It's not that much time. If you simply cannot stand to wait through that timer, you deserve all the unhappiness you are causing yourself with your own impatience. That's right -- you are the one pissing you off, not the other person.
Remember: You can't control other people's actions. You can control how you react to them.