Fixing Leona - New Set
Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by
I have to wonder, why play bad invoke cards like priestess in a stun deck.
The concepts have very little to do with one another and only leads to free losses
Instead lets use those stuns for tempo and absolutely wreck with rally's and battering ram finisher
We always win now right
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I have to wonder, why play bad invoke cards like priestess in a stun deck.
The concepts have very little to do with one another and only leads to free losses
Instead lets use those stuns for tempo and absolutely wreck with rally's and battering ram finisher
We always win now right
I don't think anyone is saying Leona needs fixing; she's a pretty solid card.
I don't really like the Pet or House Spiders here, but I'm guessing you're depending on them as activators for Flock and Guillotine? They just seem out of place without battlecaster or crowd favorite. I would probably instead just concentrate on board-bullies. Legion Marauder has some nice synergy with your rallies; Zenith Blade would be great. Pale Cascade is close to being strictly better than Transfusion.
Honestly the way people are running leonna right now is bad.
They play dude on 1, dude on 2, turn 3 invoke, turn 4 leonna, turn 5 dayman
Then they pray they dont get blown out so they can play their invoke and stun and swing.
The reality is however that these plays are easy to answer because they dont do anything.
Why play a bad card on 3 only to wait till turn 8 or 9 to play your big invoke.
When we can play a good card on 3 that activated our removal and a good card on 6.
Trust me this is far more cohesive
And pick whatever trick you prefer they serve the same function
Okay I know you won't like it to hear but if all in aggro like nox shadowisles burn is stomping these in theory overstatted daybreak units with ease, you cant say that the daybreak archtype works out the way it is intended, in fact its an absolute joke imo.
You can debate about what you do on turn 5 if you reach that point but i doubt you will achieve that against current top tier aggro lists ...
Oh I agree entirely the reason daybreak decks get run over by aggro is because they simple dont curve out efficiently and their only removal costs 6 mana.
Thats why we play good cards that aren't understated and cheap removal.
That way we actually survive long enough past turn 5.
Think of Katarina, we play her we get a dagger this can kill something small, or be combined with flock to kill something big.
We have 1 drops that trade
We play house spider and get two bodies so aggro doesn't kill us.
We play sentry on trurn 3 for a stun and leona on 4 for a stun.
I say that puts us at 14 life probably, thats great against a pure aggro deck
Look at this list it runs 12 1 drops, is it because the cards are amazing? No it's because curving out wins games when it matters.