
The Out of Cards Halloween Celebration

What is Oozefest?

Oozefest is our annual Halloween event and celebration! We've got activities lined up on the site for the entire week and some trick-or-treating fun to earn Candy. Check back every day to see if there's any new content - all our Halloween fun will get cross-posted to this page.

What is Candy?

Candy is the first event-specific site currency! And an introduction to site currency in general =)

  • You'll earn Candy by participating in Oozefest.
  • You can spend your Candy for limited-time cosmetics in our new site shop.

Okay, Cool. How Do I Earn Candy?

Candy can be earned by completing tasks on the site! Here are all the different tasks available:

  • Complete trick-or-treating clues within our card databases.
  • Completing achievements with Candy rewards.
  • Browsing the site for random Candy drops (up to 20 per day).
  • Participating in our Hearthstone Halloween Card Design Competition.
    • Do note that only entries that do not get disqualified are allowed to earn Candy. Candy will be provided at the end of the competition.

Premium users will earn Candy slightly faster while browsing the site.

What Can I Get With My Candy?

We've got forum titles, profile headers, and coming a little bit later during the event, new avatar borders!

  • All cosmetics are limited-time rewards and will disappear from the shop 1 week after event ends.
  • You may not be able to buy all cosmetics during the event - pick and choose carefully!
  • We will bring event-specific cosmetics back in future years alongside new stuff. Your Candy won't rot!

Visit the Shop

You have 0 Candy.

Visit the Out of Games Shop to spend your hard earned currency to unlock new site cosmetics!

Your Daily Tasks

All tasks reset at Midnight Eastern!

Visit the Forums Complete to earn 1 Candy
Visit the Oozefest Event Page Complete to earn 1 Candy

Oozefest Content

Read and particpate in all the content we've created for Oozefest. This will update throughout the event as new content gets added.

Spookstone Trick-or-Treating

Solve the clues below to earn Candy! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • There's nothing scarier than a dreadlord. Except when that dreadlord is also a turtle. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Inside every Classic pack is the fear that one unfortunate soul will open this in Golden. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • You've got to take those cards back as they unleash a plague upon your entire collection Solve to Reveal Answer
  • To have a free Polymerization at hand at all times produces some truly grizzly results. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • You gave Jack a face, and now you regret it because he wants to squash you. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Beware of witches handing out free apples. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • This little gnome is a pain in the neck. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Double, double, nightmare and trouble, dragons grow, attack is doubled. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • What happens when Gorillas dress up for Hallows End? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • The Lich King Didn't give up! A Preventable Spooky Setback With Silence Solve to Reveal Answer
  • On Hallow's End, the shadows rise, but this costume hands out treats. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • A place to dress up cards however you like. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • The trophy of those who vanquish the horrors of the haunted places. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Ever since Ashes of Outlands came along, he's now one away from a full set Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Merry-Go-Round 1 has broken down. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • There's stories that I could learn at this school, but I'd need a guidebook to help me out. Solve to Reveal Answer

Ghosts of Runeterra Trick-or-Treating

Solve the clues below to earn Candy! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • It's a bit of a trek down to get to him, but this guy hoards some really great candy! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Sometimes the quickest way to get candy is to be totally random and just go mid. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Just don't ask him about his shark tail – for all that winning, he's surprising sensitive! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • OK – sure, he's giving out acorn powder shakes instead of actual candy, but they are surprisingly tasty. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Whether or not you make it to the top of the mountain, it's the journey that counts. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Just because he's a creepy spider god doesn't mean he can't give out good candy. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Your nightmares might be bad, but they don't hold a candle to Trevor's! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Do not mention "Yetis" or you'll be at this stop all night listening to his rants… Solve to Reveal Answer
  • All his friends just call him "Bubba". Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Lux's aunt may look scary, but she gives out the best candy! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Sure she's just a kid herself, but I recall her giving out triple treats last year Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Careful not to get on this big guy's bad side, or else your treats might end up on the crispy side. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • He may think Progress Day! is the only holiday worth celebrating, but I'm sure he won't turn you away empty-handed. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • With this guy's appetite, you might actually leave with less candy than what you started with! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Actually, maybe skip this one unless you consider "oranges" to be acceptable Halloween treats. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • You've heard of the Headless Horseman, but what about the Handless Scientist? Solve to Reveal Answer

Magic the Oozening Trick-or-Treating

Solve the clues below to earn Candy! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • A card so scary, standard only recently escaped his clutches. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Having just lost a close friend, this planeswalker is currently going through a goth phase. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • There was a clever hint for this card, but its since been replaced by a 3/3 elk. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • This card entered a body building competition and found out he seriously misunderstood the objective. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • A 7/7 demon, who lets you pay 7 life to draw 7 cards. Yet for some reason, they had to make him cost 8 mana. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • How do you make a plane based around horror even more terrifying? Ask this card to give everything tentacles. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • A card so scary that even MTGA is afraid of it, crashing the game after it sees it too many copies of it. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • A protector for all the humans on Innistrad, just don't get on her bad side or she might go insane and start trying to purify everything. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • If there's anything that a werewolf hates, it is bad flavor text - especially gratuitous ones, like the one on this card. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • "Drawing your entire deck isn't a viable win condition" they said. That won't stop this human wizard's grand plans. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • An insidious killer, better hope you do not have 13 life or else… Solve to Reveal Answer
  • A card that will make you scream, or will hand out candy, one or the other. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • This phantasm gets so mad when looking at mirror that she puts a ton of cards from your library into the graveyard. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Playing too much pre-ban standard has left me with persistent nightmares, startling me awake at times. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • I can assure you this couple is not living Happily Ever After. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • And then he turns himself into an Insect Horror, scariest thing I've ever seen. Solve to Reveal Answer

Witchgard Trick-or-Treating

Solve the clues below to earn Candy! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • Would've taken the elevator, but it was broken. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • An encyclopedia of vampires, demons, carnivals and damage. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Also the sounds the doorbells make at Atlantis, Mt. Olympus, and Valhalla. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • We probably should skip this house... Solve to Reveal Answer
  • It's a club, not a gang. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • We only rate dogs. This is clearly someone in the army. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Wears a snow toupee at parties. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Hands out candy and recruitment flyers. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Don't get to close! It's easy to catch! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Love. A hopelessly dead cause. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Costume? Check. Pail? Check. An urge to be the first one to the house that hands out the king-size candy? Double check. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Who says Trolls can't be bards? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Open 24/7, on break during the day. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Alicia Keys - Girl on Fire Solve to Reveal Answer
  • A platypus at the gates? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • The header of our first Mythgard article. Solve to Reveal Answer

Clues Discovered Leadboard

Staff are excluded because they're all filthy cheaters. Not really, but some were involved in the creation of clues.

Member Clues Found
Torgal 64
KnivesOut 64
Alfi 64
Caro 64
GoddammitDontShootMe 64
NebuchadnezzarHS 64
Lundy 56
Lehoo 52
corvo720 37
molmr 36
Inconspicuosaurus 26
Geno9999 22
Joda 19
GoliathTheDwarf 19
Draketh 19
Ibarrai 16
BasilAnguis 16
MurlocAggroB 16
linkinboy0 16
Larry 16


  • Psymon's Avatar
    Red Riding Hood 1505 371 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    edit: HS COMPLETED! Thanks to everybody for the hints :)

    Still missing these two from HS:

    • There's nothing scarier than a dreadlord. Except when that dreadlord is also a turtle.
    • To have a free Polymerization at hand at all times produces some truly grizzly results.

    Fort he first one I have no clue. Edit: Said nothing about it, just seen a recent comment with a hint that helps me out with that  :P

    Show Spoiler
    Look for tortollan and dreadlords but still not having this. Not sure where else to look for

    and for the second I'm totally lost

    Show Spoiler
    I think it should be a card that changes on your hand. Thinking about wargen cards but still nothing.

    For the rest of the "games" I tried but nothing. I barely know the ones for HS so I don't want to get crazy with those.

    Anyway thanks to @FluxFlashor and staff for providing us these kind of quests. The staff that we deserve :)

    • Alleria's Avatar
      Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

      Show Spoiler

      For the first one, if you didn´t find out yet: It´s an old set demon who claims he´s a turtle :D

      For the second one: It´s a card that has something to do with changing your HP in a special way..

      • Psymon's Avatar
        Red Riding Hood 1505 371 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

        Got both of them.


        For the poly I was not looking for the proper kind of things. I thought it was something stitched from a newer expansion :P

        • og0's Avatar
          Red Riding Hood 1570 1062 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
          Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

          I went to both forms and still never got it.  Maybe doing something silly.

  • slychd's Avatar
    Sparklepony 1175 484 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    This was a great deal of fun and some of them were really hard, and some of them were really clever. I have gotten all but three and these are driving me mad lol. 

    1. "There's nothing scarier than a dreadlord. Except when that dreadlord is also a turtle." I feel like this must be so easy, but it is escaping me.

    I know less than nothing of Mythgard but I have two that are plaguing me:

    2. "Open 24/7, on break during the day."

    Show Spoiler
    I feel like it should have been Plasma Station, missed opportunity(?) but I know nothing of Mythgard lol.

    3."It's a club, not a gang."

    I was surprised that I got all of Runeterra without much effort, and most of Magic with some research, it's such a huge game, and the lore article helped a good deal.


    • FrostyFeet's Avatar
      Senior Writer Derpcorn 2170 1449 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
      Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

      Show Spoiler
      1. A legendary misheard voice line, been around quite a while. And yes once you get it it is really easy.
      2. I don't play Mythgard so my tips might lack finesse, but a business that's on break during the day must be open during…
      3. It's tough, the art explains the clue but I have no second search tip. Except your forum title.

      Good luck with the final day's hunt!

      • slychd's Avatar
        Sparklepony 1175 484 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
        Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

        Thanks for the guidance, all are now completed. I seldom play with sound (or that card, even though I have it) so the Hearthstone clue was lost on me. The first Mythgard eluded me because I was focused on Vampires which seems to be one of their tribes. All in all, it was great fun.

  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Back to the leaderboard!

  • Geno9999's Avatar
    Metrognome 1620 1217 Posts Joined 11/10/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I'm just stumped on what "A place to dress up cards however you like." is

    Show Spoiler
    Based on earlier comments, I've tried Kazakus, The Masked Ball Tavern Brawls, and the Custom Card forums.

    • sinti's Avatar
      Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
      Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

      Show Spoiler
      Not a card, but rather a place on the site where you can find spooky cards. At this time, a set amount of spooky cards, no longer can more be added.

    • NerdyMcNerd's Avatar
      Peon 1225 196 Posts Joined 04/13/2020
      Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

      Show Spoiler
      It's not a card although you'll see lots of spooky cards there

      Hope you find this helpful

  • NerdyMcNerd's Avatar
    Peon 1225 196 Posts Joined 04/13/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Just wondering if anyone has a clue for "We only rate dogs. This is obviously someone in the army" (Mythgard)

    Show Spoiler
    I clicked on every collectable Mythgard card and may or may not have managed to miss it. :)

    • Horus's Avatar
      Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

      Show Spoiler
      You will have to be bold in your researches

      • NerdyMcNerd's Avatar
        Peon 1225 196 Posts Joined 04/13/2020
        Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

        Finally found it. Thanks

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Reminder: Oozefest is closing up shop when the clock hits midnight on November 3 which leaves us with just over 2 days left!

    When the event ends:

    • You can no longer earn any candy.
    • Clues will be disabled, cementing progress.
    • The shop will remain open for 1 additional week for any stragglers who still need to spend their candy.

    Your candy will not go away as it doesn't not rot and will be our currency for next year. We'll be adding more cosmetics to obtain next year and the old ones will become available again, though they may increase in price slightly (currently undecided) to force people to choose between old cosmetics (likely rarer) or newer ones.

    Additionally, we'll be activating the "normal event mode" for Out of Cards.

    During non-event times, you'll be able to earn a small amount of Gold each day for visiting the site. You won't be able to spend the Gold right away but do know that we're working towards creating more ways to earn it and new rewards.

    Gold does not mean the end of rewards for achievements, those will still exist, though we will likely give out titles less for some repetitive actions on the site and reserve them for larger milestones. One big problem with our current system is that it becomes overwhelming when you unlock an achievement and it rewards you with a handful of titles due to wanting to give out something for each game at each milestone (only a few do for this reason) so by giving you Gold for earning an achievement instead, we can let you obtain something you actually care about or save up for higher-end rewards.

    For the Hearthstone players, I guess you could say we're doing a progression revamp too. And funnily enough, there is more planned on the site progression side of things too and I'm looking forward to completing it all!

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    On the Oozefest shop menu it says i have 60 gold? but i've never donated to the site or anything and i have no idea what this currency even is. Where did i get it?

    • Fluxflashor's Avatar
      CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
      Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

      Soon (TM)

      • Fluxflashor's Avatar
        CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
        Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

        Seriously though, Gold is going to be our site currency that you'll earn in various ways that can be used towards site cosmetics that we'll release outside of special events. I can't tell you exactly when earning gold will go live, but everyone who creates an account will receive 10 Gold and anyone with an account prior to Halloween received a 50 Gold bonus. Premium members will be getting a chunk of bonus gold for each month they have subscribed for, and then thereafter, once more stuff goes live in the shop.

        • clawz161's Avatar
          The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
          Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

          Okay, thank you.

  • Morthasa's Avatar
    Eevee 950 59 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Completely stumped by two MTGA ones:

    • A card so scary, standard only recently escaped his clutches.
    • If there's anything that a werewolf hates, it is bad flavor text - especially gratuitous ones, like the one on this card.

    EDIT: Got 'em!


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