Vladimir rework.
Vladimir feels according to a lot of players too weak the main reason being that his ability makes it easier for the opponent to kill your units.
The damage (lvled up drain) is a nice effect but doesn't make that big of a splash unless you got the entire board filled which can be hard to do.
Maybe a new lvled up effect could be to somewhat counter the major downside is that Vladimir creates a unit with stats equal to the amount of friendly damage friendly units got and survived?
It is in Vlad's lore to craft flesh and transmutate blood.
''Mortals were little more than cattle under the tyranny of the darkin, their supremacy apparent in the sorceries they had conceived—the arts of crafting flesh and transmuting blood, granting them mastery over life itself.''
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Vladimir feels according to a lot of players too weak the main reason being that his ability makes it easier for the opponent to kill your units.
The damage (lvled up drain) is a nice effect but doesn't make that big of a splash unless you got the entire board filled which can be hard to do.
Maybe a new lvled up effect could be to somewhat counter the major downside is that Vladimir creates a unit with stats equal to the amount of friendly damage friendly units got and survived?
It is in Vlad's lore to craft flesh and transmutate blood.
''Mortals were little more than cattle under the tyranny of the darkin, their supremacy apparent in the sorceries they had conceived—the arts of crafting flesh and transmuting blood, granting them mastery over life itself.''
he def needs a rework idk how they'd do it tho
Gets to legend then plays memes.
Rogue > all
Increase cost or level up condition a bit, than change his leveled up effect to “Attack:Deal one damage to all other battling units, repeat until something dies
No idea if this is balanced..... but its still worth throwing out into the worl
My $0.02: the current problem is Vlad requires moderate investment (not easy to level, costs respectable mana for L1 vanilla stats, and really wants a fair amount of your deck to snergize with him) for only moderate payout (does minor damage to nexus; self-damage often hurts as much as it helps due to defender deciding blocks; L2 for is nice but rarely game-swinging). Any improvement comes down to 3 forms:
Coincidentally, I just made a Reddit post about a Vladimir Rework
My solution was to give him the passive “damaged allies have +1|+0 while attacking” on level 1 (and it upgrades to +3|+0 on level 2). That way he’s a bit like Hecarim.
This makes him too aggro-y in my opinion. And Vlad is already in a deck that is built on the bones of Noxus, it doesn't need MORE damage already. The current problem as others have stated is that his passive already weakens his board. Giving his units more attack doesn't really help in that, just makes him better at attacking but doesn't do anything when defending.
Level 1 Vlad should have baseline regen added. Current effect is still the same. (Drain 1 health to deal 1 extra damage to nexus per health drained)
Level 2 Vlad should have "Drain 1 health from ALL units: For each ally drained, Drain 1 from the enemy nexus, for each enemy drained: Vlad gains 1 health.
This makes Vlad a more interesting hero that punishes wide enemy boards, Makes sense in his LoL champion where he uses enemy hero's blood to help defend himself, makes him more tanky as a result.
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I get the criticism of Vladimir still hurting your board in my idea for a Rework, but I think that buffing Power forces the opponent to trade with your units to avoid Nexus damage, in the same way that Hecarim’s passive forces the opponent to block Ephmerals that they might normally ignore. In my rework I also reworked some of the Crimson units to give them keywords that make the Power Buff relevant (Lifesteal, Challenger, and Fearsome). I also like my idea because it opens up a lot of synergy for Vlad with Overwhelm and Fearsome units, so he actually synergizes with Noxus and his decks could be more varied.
On your rework idea, I think that it might make Vlad too much like MF, Anivia, Gangplank, and TF. Right now Vladimir occupies a unique position of forcing the player to sacrifice Health for an upside, and I think that removing his downside or making it a net neutral effect is less interesting than increasing the payout for building around him. Also, buffing the Power of your attacking allies does effectively the same thing as damaging defending enemies, except that it has better synergy with Keywords and is more vulnerable to removal.
Yes, but buffing the Crimson units has the problem of making them viable in non-vlad decks (see Crimson Disciple. And this causes an issue of supposedly buffing ONE archetype (vlad/self damage units) but inherently buffing other archetypes (spider/darius aggro) which didn't need buffs.
This is why the only real way of reworking vlad is by reworking his champion himself, you cause ripple effects if you try to buff the crimson archetype units to help vlad, cause other people will find ways of shoehorning them into other decks.
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@Skyomyke Well that’s why I mainly buffed Vladimir and only slightly buffed the Crimson units. The Crimson units definitely aren’t the issue with the scars deck, I just wanted to rework them to synergize better with my Vladimir Rework.
The only time I've ever seen Vladimir actually getting played was when The Harrowing was still able to summon enemy minions as well, played in the same deck as Hecarim because they mainly do similar things which is a great amount of Nexus burst with a full board. Other than that it would be when it was the last day of the closed beta and everyone ran Vladimir Braum for some reason (granted this was when people thought Shark Chariot was a good card and the last time She Who Wanders saw a huge amount of play. Ahh, good times.)
That said, buffing Vladimir is a really tough topic to tackle. I think that there are a lot of things they could do to help Vladimir but indirectly buff Noxus as a region at the same time. The only cards I think they could probably buff without having any effect on other Noxus archetypes would be Blood for Blood (the card could straight up be 0 mana imo and still see no play) and Crimson Aristocrat could be a 3/2 or 2/3 instead because she's just a worse Imperial Demolitionist. In my opinion, the best way to buff Vladimir or his Crimson units is changing their mana cost so that they could probably curve out better. The archetype also lacks a good 1 drop, Unscarred Reaver is hard to use without it taking exactly 1 damage, and other Noxus 1 drops have too little HP.
However, I think I know the reason why they aren't doing much to buff Vladimir, even now they're just saying that he's just getting a QoL buff. I think Riven could potentially be a self-harm support card. That or at least they'll release more self-harm support. For example, in the Call of the Mountains expansion we got Jack, the Winner, he's a Bilgewater card that has self-harm mechanics and in the next expansion, we got more Bilgewater self-harm cards. Granted they're rarely seen together but the idea still stands. For Noxus, we got Basilisk Bloodseeker which is probably pointing to the fact that we are probably going to get more self-harm cards. The live design team did say that they have been eluding to buff certain archetypes because of the new cards that were coming (namely ramp because Trundle). They also said that we were going to get Ephemeral support next expansion as well and to support my theory we have both Stalking Shadows and Encroaching Shadows which got released the same time as Jack, the Winner.
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
Has anyone tried Crimson/Soraka/Star Spring?
I just now thought of this as a possibly very interesting idea to explore.
Personally, no, but some YouTube videos have caught my eye..
I use a Vlad deck with Tough followers and Demacia/Noxus buff cards... It has a weaker lategame than my Elites or Freljord midrange, but the followers are harder to remove early on, and make good trades/ burst damage with the 2 mana buffs/ Single combat. Culls as well help you control the board early on. The main reason why I don't think you see Vlad is because Go hard/ Pack your bags stops most midrange decks from being worth running.
I think that even without go hard around Vladimir wouldn't see much play, All other 5 mana champions ( Gangplank, trundle, Lee Sin, Vi, Quinn, Swain) are either strong finishers or offer you powerful control effect. What does Vladimir do? Drain you opponent for 1 damage? They could at least give his level up form fearsome or some effect that trigger when he takes damage like Braum does.