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Hot Take - Shurima Needs Expansion Support

Submitted 3 years, 3 months ago by

I had once said that I didn't mind Targon being strong because it took 3 expansions and a event to get there.

Unfortunately, Shurima doesn't have that card support yet.

When you actually examine what's on offer the number of playables is relatively low.

But the region does have a great lineup of champs to make up for it.

Here's an example of a mono Shurima list made by nobody in particular.

If you look at it people basically have no idea how to build this region right now,


Let's talk about cards that are good - then fine - then bad


Dune keeper is a good one drop no doubt about it, 2 bodies for 1 levels heck levels azir gives a sac body is aggressive

exhaust is also a core card and is very good


rock hopper, cryomancer and hourglass are fine but not great

golden ambasador is similarly fine and while it's funny to pull 4/4 TF's it's not worth building a list around


The 3 drop slot is a little sad in shirima to the point where Azir might be mandatory 

Like quick sand is being run as a worse flash freeze if you think about it


So how do you fix this, well people are running a lot of splash solutions shadow isles, freijord, noxious, targon

While bilgewater, P and Z, Demacia and Ionia are largely going ignored

Suggesting that Shirima doesn't play all that well with others at the moment

But maybe I'm wrong feel free to let me know down below.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I had once said that I didn't mind Targon being strong because it took 3 expansions and a event to get there.

    Unfortunately, Shurima doesn't have that card support yet.

    When you actually examine what's on offer the number of playables is relatively low.

    But the region does have a great lineup of champs to make up for it.

    Here's an example of a mono Shurima list made by nobody in particular.

    If you look at it people basically have no idea how to build this region right now,


    Let's talk about cards that are good - then fine - then bad


    Dune keeper is a good one drop no doubt about it, 2 bodies for 1 levels heck levels azir gives a sac body is aggressive

    exhaust is also a core card and is very good


    rock hopper, cryomancer and hourglass are fine but not great

    golden ambasador is similarly fine and while it's funny to pull 4/4 TF's it's not worth building a list around


    The 3 drop slot is a little sad in shirima to the point where Azir might be mandatory 

    Like quick sand is being run as a worse flash freeze if you think about it


    So how do you fix this, well people are running a lot of splash solutions shadow isles, freijord, noxious, targon

    While bilgewater, P and Z, Demacia and Ionia are largely going ignored

    Suggesting that Shirima doesn't play all that well with others at the moment

    But maybe I'm wrong feel free to let me know down below.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I think Shurima is fine. It is the region with the best 1 drops in the game, with decent combat tricks and multiple viable themes. Sure they have the smallest cardpool which handycaps them a little but that's not too grave.

    Anyways I think we should talk about demacia right now

    Demacia is absolutely a force right now. No matter if they abuse the token on attack strategy of Azir or just chain 3+ attacks with Golden Aegis and Cataclysm: they simply have too many attacks right now allowing them to end the game if they get even the slightest ahead on board in the midgame. And while it is true that this was demacia's identity before already the amount of extra attacks just went up big time

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Yeah it was pretty clear during the card reveal that Demacia was going to be insane.

    Then on the top end you have carina/ledros control back in style.

    Because you concurrent time lines into ledros and transform him into dreadway for otk.

    Its basically the if I have 9 mana I win deck unless you have deny or hush.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Sure they can do their 9 mana shenenigans that aren't even guranteed... if they survived the 10 attacks phases before they earned it ^^

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    Yeah it was pretty clear during the card reveal that Demacia was going to be insane.

    Then on the top end you have carina/ledros control back in style.

    Because you concurrent time lines into ledros and transform him into dreadway for otk.

    Its basically the if I have 9 mana I win deck unless you have deny or hush.

    You can also use ritual of negation or remove the dreadway with cards like vengeance will of Ionia or concerted strike. 

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