Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Riot must be hurting for money

Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by

These new cards wow just wow. I know you gotta sell stuff but last time I read you guys were the most profitable gaming company out there and I didn’t even mind giving you my money to buy unnecessary cosmetics. 
This new region seems very overtuned like their cards are just straight up better than what has previously been released. 

Anyone else getting this feeling? Adding another Deny just pushes expensive slow spells to another level of irrelevance. I don’t have a single one in any of my decks. I am tempted to remove all fast spells as well.

  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    These new cards wow just wow. I know you gotta sell stuff but last time I read you guys were the most profitable gaming company out there and I didn’t even mind giving you my money to buy unnecessary cosmetics. 
    This new region seems very overtuned like their cards are just straight up better than what has previously been released. 

    Anyone else getting this feeling? Adding another Deny just pushes expensive slow spells to another level of irrelevance. I don’t have a single one in any of my decks. I am tempted to remove all fast spells as well.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Shurima is really strong, no doubt. It has the tools to compete. I think however that the new Shurima cards got intentionally released stronger to make shurima -which has only half the cards of any other region- playable. If they nerf the overtuned 1 drops later on and push back when the number of shurima cards gets more I am fine with that approach because unlike targon, shurima is not a toxic control region.

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I'm not sure if you play Hearthstone, but this happened when we got new class - the Demon Hunter got extremely strong cards which required more nerfs than nine other classes combined (including nerf in few days after release) and is still a very strong class which can do what every other class do but better. The devs wanted to have good feeling from the new class and to be it competetive.

    If this is the road to take when releasing new regions - oh boy!


  • thazud's Avatar
    Duskrider 265 93 Posts Joined 06/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I don't think Shurima is overtuned, and it is way too early to make such statements. Bad things tend to be good early after a new expansion because other lists hasn't been refined yet. 

    I just looked at the master ladder, for my region, and I can see that none of them plays with Shurima. 2x TF/Fizz, 1x Lucian/MF and 1x Freljord Fiora. Another guy posted a similar thing on Reddit where the master ladder, for his region, was 3x TF/Fizz and 1x Fiora/Shen. I am also pretty sure a lot of the Shurima lists struggle against burn decks due to the lack of healing.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Shurima is really strong, no doubt. It has the tools to compete. I think however that the new Shurima cards got intentionally released stronger to make shurima -which has only half the cards of any other region- playable. If they nerf the overtuned 1 drops later on and push back when the number of shurima cards gets more I am fine with that approach because unlike targon, shurima is not a toxic control region.

    This is probably exactly right, and exactly why they were dumb to set up their new regions/expansions like this. Without a full set of cards up front, they're forced to overcompensate. (I also don't really get the whole "some regions get expansions first" thing, but oh well.)

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Forgottenslayer

    These new cards wow just wow. I know you gotta sell stuff but last time I read you guys were the most profitable gaming company out there and I didn’t even mind giving you my money to buy unnecessary cosmetics. 
    This new region seems very overtuned like their cards are just straight up better than what has previously been released. 

    Anyone else getting this feeling? Adding another Deny just pushes expensive slow spells to another level of irrelevance. I don’t have a single one in any of my decks. I am tempted to remove all fast spells as well.

    It's too early to evaluate how strong the region is, I remember when Targon was just released, we had many player saying that dragons and invokes were just too powerful or that Taric was a better Shen, then a couple of weeks later it turn out that the meta decks from before the expansion were still the best, and only deck from Targon who managed to be top tier was Trundle/A.Sol

    Personally I have been using a Fiora/Shen deck on ladder and it's working just fine.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Shurima is really strong, no doubt. It has the tools to compete. I think however that the new Shurima cards got intentionally released stronger to make shurima -which has only half the cards of any other region- playable. If they nerf the overtuned 1 drops later on and push back when the number of shurima cards gets more I am fine with that approach because unlike targon, shurima is not a toxic control region.

    This is probably exactly right, and exactly why they were dumb to set up their new regions/expansions like this. Without a full set of cards up front, they're forced to overcompensate. (I also don't really get the whole "some regions get expansions first" thing, but oh well.)

    Glad to see that I am not the only one thinking this, I really don't like this idea of dividing the expansion into three sets. 

  • OldenGolden's Avatar
    Snow-Covered 690 131 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Just when I was finally starting to get into Runeterra a bit, this Shurima stuff dropped, and now I just auto-concede half the games I play. Looks like it's back to full-time HS and Magic. 

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I personally take the opposite approach. Where I feel shurima is a very limiting region to play at the moment.

    I was experimenting with running it with Ezreal or TF given all the card draw and draw fixing and I realized I just didn't have the necessary control tools.

    I've seen people try to run it with Aphelios to do some meme stuff but it's arguable worse than what we already have.

    Instead what you end up with is running regions like freijord and then splashing shurima for landmark synergy or running noxious for 5+ dmg support.

    In that instance Shurima is just providing the champions more than anything else.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From OldenGolden

    Just when I was finally starting to get into Runeterra a bit, this Shurima stuff dropped, and now I just auto-concede half the games I play. Looks like it's back to full-time HS and Magic. 

    It is WAAAAY too early to be making statements like this.

    But I mean, if you like HS and Magic better, feel free to play them instead.

    I do just have to say, though - if you have played a lot of HS and Magic, I would have expected you to be acclimated to the fact that it takes time to build a collection and learn all the mechanics of a new card game. LoR is significantly more nuanced and complex than HS, and it takes quite a long time to really understand how to actually play it well.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Shurima is really strong, no doubt. It has the tools to compete. I think however that the new Shurima cards got intentionally released stronger to make shurima -which has only half the cards of any other region- playable. If they nerf the overtuned 1 drops later on and push back when the number of shurima cards gets more I am fine with that approach because unlike targon, shurima is not a toxic control region.

    This is probably a bit true - but none of the Shurima stuff is absurdly overpowered. Except maybe the new Ledros combo - I'm really not a fan of that being a thing people can do now. But that's not even in Shurima's region - it's SI and PnZ.

  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I found the +3 +1 for 1 mana when it auto starts with a landmark a bit much. Also I burned 5 silences over 4 turns and still found myself unable to kill Nasus he’s a 2/2 damnit he shouldn’t be that difficult to kill. Also I challenged and used a strike. Shurima had an answer for everything I threw and I felt I had a lot

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From sto650
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Shurima is really strong, no doubt. It has the tools to compete. I think however that the new Shurima cards got intentionally released stronger to make shurima -which has only half the cards of any other region- playable. If they nerf the overtuned 1 drops later on and push back when the number of shurima cards gets more I am fine with that approach because unlike targon, shurima is not a toxic control region.

    This is probably a bit true - but none of the Shurima stuff is absurdly overpowered. Except maybe the new Ledros combo - I'm really not a fan of that being a thing people can do now. But that's not even in Shurima's region - it's SI and PnZ.

    Actually I feel like the new ledros combo is "only" going to be unfair against other control decks/slow decks who can then run deny/nopify. The fact that it is a turn 9 semi guranteed leathal makes it actually even more tame than Trundle Aurelion Sol in a way because it doesn't ramp.

    If you let a control deck get late expect it to win with a big play that you have to counter or lose..

    The fact that the combo naturally gets worse with the inclusion of additional 9 drops let me guess that we will see at least 2 9 mana units in the upcoming sets killing the combo on it's own 

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Just looking at the 1 drop section shurima makes one realise how much better these are: Dunekeeper: a 2/1 + a 1/1 ephemeral used eighter for nexus demage, extra death trigge, a free sac unit and an extra death trigger

    Baccai Reaper : a way better Precious Pet 

    Ancient Preparations scry3 + delayed 2/2?!

    Destined Poro : the first actually good poro 

    Shaped Stone : basically always a 1 mana +3/+1 buff

    Exhaust a miles better version Caught in the Cold

    And Bloodthirsty Marauder which just is pretty agressive for 1 mana 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Forgottenslayer

    I found the +3 +1 for 1 mana when it auto starts with a landmark a bit much. Also I burned 5 silences over 4 turns and still found myself unable to kill Nasus he’s a 2/2 damnit he shouldn’t be that difficult to kill. Also I challenged and used a strike. Shurima had an answer for everything I threw and I felt I had a lot

    And he isn't, his level 1 form is easy to kill, especially with Hush. And 5 silence cards is counterproductive. Three Hush is enough.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    As far as I can tell, Shurima's weakness is that it's susceptible to burn/aggro plans as it lacks healing outside of 2 cards. It is also pretty weak against direct damage cards as they don't have a lot of +health combat tricks but more of +attack combat tricks. It is also very combat-reliant as most of their cards don't have direct damage, so stuns and recalls work really well against them. However, it feels like the weaknesses aren't as bad as other regions because they have good solid cards that counteract their own weaknesses, such as Rite of Negation, Ancient Hourglass, Shaped Stone. So the only gameplan that is reliable against them is the burn/aggro gameplan because their healing cards aren't amazing.

    Shurima's strengths are also pretty defined I think. They have good card draw and draw tools like Predict, which allows you to search for answers better. Good early game tempo in the form of strong early game plays with premium stats, and Predict helps out the curve. They control the board fairly well through the use of their combat tricks and good tempo. Their defensive tools are limited but very strong, like Rite of Negation or Spirit Fire which can change the game's outcome depending on whether they have it in hand.

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Just looking at the 1 drop section shurima makes one realise how much better these are: Dunekeeper: a 2/1 + a 1/1 ephemeral used eighter for nexus demage, extra death trigge, a free sac unit and an extra death trigger

    Baccai Reaper : a way better Precious Pet 

    Ancient Preparations scry3 + delayed 2/2?!

    Destined Poro : the first actually good poro 

    Shaped Stone : basically always a 1 mana +3/+1 buff

    Exhaust a miles better version Caught in the Cold

    And Bloodthirsty Marauder which just is pretty agressive for 1 mana 

    Bloodthirsty Marauder is just like - what was the deadly sin of Legion Rearguard !?

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Quote From Almaniarra
    Bloodthirsty Marauder is just like - what was the deadly sin of Legion Rearguard !?

    You mean beside being part of the much hated Noxus/P & Z face burn deck?

  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Moonlight Affliction after someone drops Feel the Rush is an amazing counter and  the reason I have 5 silences. Plus the five I had wasn’t enough to deal with nasus so clearly they are or something else is needed.

    Demica / Targon I can’t think of a way to kill him.

  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Just Stalled Shurima out he gave up round 15 when I had 7 cards and he had one. My draws were pretty excellent. I was waiting for his 7 mana slow spell to double level his hero’s. If you don’t have an answer to this ready to go I’m pretty sure you are fucked. 
    Feels much strong than Sol

  • killanator6000's Avatar
    200 38 Posts Joined 07/11/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    use celestials to obliterate him but make him burn his rite first

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