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Profile header gallery preview

Submitted 3 years, 3 months ago by

Hi guys! How do you do? :)

I'm posting a little feature request that as far as I see is not asked until the moment and I think that could be a nice addition to the site. Or at least I'm unable to find a better way to do that so, of course, my ears are open.

Right now we didn't have a profile header gallery, everytime that you want to see a profile the only way is change directly on your profile so, if you want to choose the best for you, you should test it "on live" instead having the option to see them before changing it.

Can it be an option to see all of them before choosing one? I don't know, maybe a dedicated page where you can see all the existing profile headers (owned and/or unowned) that leads you directly to the account settings to save them or even better, a little snapshot when choosing them. Everytime our prfile header collection is bigger and bigger so our vanity in cosmetics makes us more unsure about which one to use :P

Of course that's a minor feature and I don't think that should be consider for any urgent site update (and, of course, if there's an unaware option for doing it that I don' know until now feel free to let me know) but for me can be a nice addition for a growing collection that seems will not stop for the moment.

Have a lovely day and thanks for reading me!

  • Psymon's Avatar
    Red Riding Hood 1505 371 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Hi guys! How do you do? :)

    I'm posting a little feature request that as far as I see is not asked until the moment and I think that could be a nice addition to the site. Or at least I'm unable to find a better way to do that so, of course, my ears are open.

    Right now we didn't have a profile header gallery, everytime that you want to see a profile the only way is change directly on your profile so, if you want to choose the best for you, you should test it "on live" instead having the option to see them before changing it.

    Can it be an option to see all of them before choosing one? I don't know, maybe a dedicated page where you can see all the existing profile headers (owned and/or unowned) that leads you directly to the account settings to save them or even better, a little snapshot when choosing them. Everytime our prfile header collection is bigger and bigger so our vanity in cosmetics makes us more unsure about which one to use :P

    Of course that's a minor feature and I don't think that should be consider for any urgent site update (and, of course, if there's an unaware option for doing it that I don' know until now feel free to let me know) but for me can be a nice addition for a growing collection that seems will not stop for the moment.

    Have a lovely day and thanks for reading me!

    Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    We'll have the option available when account management gets an overhaul. All cosmetics need proper preview options so you can see not only what they look like but also how they will appear on your profile. =)

    Life was so much easier when we just had forum titles to deal with, lol.

    Founder, Out of Games

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