New Freljord Spell - Buried in Ice
Submitted 3 years, 8 months ago by
A new Epic Freljord Spell, Buried in Ice, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Freljord Spell, Buried in Ice, has been revealed!
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The obvious combo meant to be played with this is It That Stares but even if you don't wipe landmarks after this spell this spell can be really devestating and comes in a region that is known to take every boardwipe that it can get a solid 3.5 out of 5
This look like a worse The Ruination to me.
It absolutely is not. Because this doesn't trigger death effects and doesn't set up an enemy The Harrowing also it is in frelyord, allowing new pairings of frelyord with something we haven't seen so far and it combos nicely with It That Stares
Weird as it sounds, this could be a finisher for Aggro against minion-based decks to remove all potential enemy blockers.
Put your faith in the Light!
The Ruination kills your units. This spell only affects enemy units. Big difference.
I think this could be quite good. There's a ton of use cases for it.
Control decks can pair it up with It That Stares on the following turn for a one-sided, full board obliteration.
Board-centric decks can use it to clear the enemy board of blockers before going in for the kill, especially if you cast this on a turn where your enemy has the attack token, then attack on the following turn, hopefully multiple times due to rally effects from Demacia or Noxus.
The big, glaring weakness is that this gets punished very hard by Deny and Rite of Negation, two of the most powerful and ubiquitous cards which have almost completely eliminated other big spells like The Ruination and The Harrowing from the meta. Maybe this will see play in a meta where counterspells aren't quite so dominant. 3/5
It's a one-sided Ruination that very likely wins the game on the spot if it resolves.
I'm legit terrified that this card is being added to the game. Previously, Freljord only had damaged based board wipes. Now they have a "kill spell" board wipe, without needing SI to get Ruination, AND it doesn't require losing your own board as well. AND it obliterates, meaning any Last Breath abilities don't trigger. AND it doesn't just wipe the enemy board clean - it leaves it clogged up with landmarks, which is very relevant for anything that summons extra units.
This is very ominous, folks. Especially when you start thinking about Targon's Peak, for example - which usually runs with Freljord and Targon, leaving them no Ruination to put in there (which is why they use Skies Descend) - but this is even better than Skies Descend and is castable without absolutely needing the cost reduction.
I think comparing this card to Ruination isn't really helpful because it's not a kill effect. Rather, the effect is essentially "Stun all enemies. Stun them again next Round Start." This makes the closest comparison actually Aphelio's spell Gravitum, or maybe Aurok Glinthorn or Winter's Breath. Comparing to Winter's Breath, this is actually worse if you're just using it to stop a single attack from the opponent, which gives me hope that this won't be an OP defensive tool. However, if you have a big board this effect can be kind of insane, so if that kind of Freljord deck exists (maybe with Frozen Thralls), then this could be pretty insane.