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Legends of Runeterra

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They Saved Zillian Finally!!!

Submitted 3 years, 5 months ago by


I know I've been super meh about the card reveals so far, but today's 4 reveals are literally saving zillian as a champion.

Let's talk about everything they added to zillian as an archetype just today!

Anti- aggro deck thinning!!! This is literally a one of a kind card for Runeterra thus far and shows that somebody on the development team is doing his job.

Yes its just a do nothing 1/3 body for 1 mana, but it's a free body that comes down along side Zillian to chump block sandman against azir irellia and get you closer to finding the cards you want to play.

Time winder is literally a two mana static shock that forces a discard, guess what Zillian has card advantage for days what he needs is cheap pings along side his landmark.

Oh hey they literally just printed opt at two mana, fine by me!!!

Plus an actual good 3 drop to put in predict decks that duplicates and let's you find answers, and the body is infinitely better then that dumb 2/4 elusive.

God they should just call this card reveal timmies rejoice, we do want our game to be complicated and not just be a creature slug fest.

I take it all back Riot I'm so sorry ;)


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


    I know I've been super meh about the card reveals so far, but today's 4 reveals are literally saving zillian as a champion.

    Let's talk about everything they added to zillian as an archetype just today!

    Anti- aggro deck thinning!!! This is literally a one of a kind card for Runeterra thus far and shows that somebody on the development team is doing his job.

    Yes its just a do nothing 1/3 body for 1 mana, but it's a free body that comes down along side Zillian to chump block sandman against azir irellia and get you closer to finding the cards you want to play.

    Time winder is literally a two mana static shock that forces a discard, guess what Zillian has card advantage for days what he needs is cheap pings along side his landmark.

    Oh hey they literally just printed opt at two mana, fine by me!!!

    Plus an actual good 3 drop to put in predict decks that duplicates and let's you find answers, and the body is infinitely better then that dumb 2/4 elusive.

    God they should just call this card reveal timmies rejoice, we do want our game to be complicated and not just be a creature slug fest.

    I take it all back Riot I'm so sorry ;)


  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I find it strange that you name all the cards from today's reveal exept the most competitive of them Time Trick that has good chances to become a P&Z staple.

    Sure anti aggro tools are nice but anti aggro isn't the only quality a deck has to have. 

    Zilean has now more than enough anti aggro tools but we need more things to do than that. 

    My guess is still investigator zilean playing around Chirean Sumpworker, playing a lot of 2 cost created cards that we turn all into 0 mana augment cards with the Glorious Evolution and Viktor as the lategame plan. Then a simple Arise! will then be enought to deal 60+ damage in one attack... from no cards on board but Viktor

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Yeah thats what I meant by printing opt from mtg. The whole draw fix draw thing that has been a stable of blue control decks for as long as I can remember. Now P & Z can do it and honestly it's probably good enough to run in something like ezreal Draven.

    Yes you're right of course that Zillian will still loose hard to lissandra but her play rate is far lower so one problem at a time.

    Also all the stuff you just said sounds like a meme dream. Like you basically were like oh yeah people will totally run a 10 mana slow speed spell without ramp. Hell you can't even do that with ramp these days.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    The Glorious Evolution Viktor and Arise! finish is certainly not that viable but... it has style so it's totaly worth it if you don't want to maximize your winrate.

    But: it's not that commital of a backup wincondition since it consists of 3 cards that you can all run as a 1/2 of in a predict archetype 

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


    Well it's well known Ekko and ZIlean are best buddies.

    They split up the set into 3 so there are some synergies that just didn't came up together.. like azir/irelia,taliyah/maphite and  zilean/ekko.

    They were intended to come up togheter in the beggining but they didn't

    that being said Taliyah's followers still make no sense in their terrible stat lines.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Half of Shurimas cards make no sense. That region is not really well designed.

  • Hellcopter's Avatar
    270 306 Posts Joined 02/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Looking at those cards i predict (Pun intended) the aggro meta will shift back to Noxus due abundance of cheap burns

    If that's a good thing or not only time will tell. Elise Burn was already a solid deck and its getting more toys to play with

    Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09NCE81owjo

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