Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Easy Plat With Renekton J4

Submitted 2 years, 11 months ago by

No word of a lie I've been getting my butt handed to me.since rise of the underworld dropped.

The meta was very weird, like all the decks seemed to generate infinite value, had tons of beef on board, and was incredible hard to control out with spells.

Well turns out I was doing it wrong, challengers are like better versions of removal because they present situations where the opponent has to react with a spell to go even with your follower, then you can counter with your own spell.

Factor in 6 card that provide extra attack phases and if your opponents deck is all about playing solitaire (most are right now) you will win guaranteed.

What do I mean by solitaire?

Turbo thralls, I do a bunch of stuff till I have a massive board.

Yetis I do a bunch of stuff till I have a massive board.

Poros I do a bunch of stuff till I have a massive board.

Delivers, sivir, you get the point.

So if every deck relies on building up steam, what if we just prevent that from happening every attack phase.

Chances are we'll win.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    No word of a lie I've been getting my butt handed to me.since rise of the underworld dropped.

    The meta was very weird, like all the decks seemed to generate infinite value, had tons of beef on board, and was incredible hard to control out with spells.

    Well turns out I was doing it wrong, challengers are like better versions of removal because they present situations where the opponent has to react with a spell to go even with your follower, then you can counter with your own spell.

    Factor in 6 card that provide extra attack phases and if your opponents deck is all about playing solitaire (most are right now) you will win guaranteed.

    What do I mean by solitaire?

    Turbo thralls, I do a bunch of stuff till I have a massive board.

    Yetis I do a bunch of stuff till I have a massive board.

    Poros I do a bunch of stuff till I have a massive board.

    Delivers, sivir, you get the point.

    So if every deck relies on building up steam, what if we just prevent that from happening every attack phase.

    Chances are we'll win.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    Not sure who downvoted, I have a sense that you guys are just bad at playing off meta lists, or maybe you aren't control players hard to say.

    Like if you want meta trash, just go to mobalytics, easy to play, easier to win.

  • BingoNoEyes's Avatar
    185 82 Posts Joined 05/07/2020
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    Not sure who downvoted, I have a sense that you guys are just bad at playing off meta lists, or maybe you aren't control players hard to say.

    Like if you want meta trash, just go to mobalytics, easy to play, easier to win.

    Just because someone down votes your deck, doesn’t mean they are a bad player. It just means either your deck doesn’t fit their style, or they had a bad experience with your deck.

    if you want more off meta decks to be played, you can always post more decks for people to try.

    Either way, it doesn’t help your argument if you call people bad player


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